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(◕‿◕✿) Friendly reminder that you can identify as a Hitlerkin and use hitler/hitlers/hitlerself pronouns, and if people refuse to recognize your identity, they’re misgendering you, which is a microagression, which is violence and you can call them out on their privilege! Don’t allow transphobic and kinphobic bigotry.


  1. inverecunda ha rebloggato questo post da c-a-bergamot
  2. wavey ha rebloggato questo post da kawaiigaryoak
  3. c-a-bergamot ha rebloggato questo post da fuckyouicantseestraight e ha aggiunto:
    It’s a hypothetical situation that goes to show SJW’s who want to make nounself pronouns obligatory are actually...
  4. fuckyouicantseestraight ha rebloggato questo post da sickhypnotik e ha aggiunto:
    I sincerely hope so. Otherwise the White Nationalists/National Socialists/White Supremacist morons have ascended to a...
  5. sickhypnotik ha rebloggato questo post da c-a-bergamot e ha aggiunto:
    this is a joke, right?
  6. kawaiigaryoak ha rebloggato questo post da sunlightspear
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    this has gone too far jesus christ
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