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[–]PathOfLightPOL -39 ポイント-38 ポイント

He put on a uniform.

He picked up a rifle and stood a post.

That is more than 99.9% of the rest of the country has ever done.

Bush junior was a coward draft dodging shitbag.

Clinton was a coward draft dodging shitbag.

Obama never served a day in his life. He wouldn't even leave Bagram to go to the presidential palace to visit with Hamid Karzai.

I have more respect for Bergdawg than I do for the last three highest ranking shitbag military commander in chief's of the United States of America.

[–]prevori 19 ポイント20 ポイント

On the other hand, there is no Constitutional requirement for the president, vice-president, any member of congress, or any member of the supreme court to have served in the military. The writers of the Constitution specifically designed it so the president, as a civilian, would be commander in chief of the armed services to provide a bit of a barrier to a military takeover of the government.

[–]SexyRabbitsArmy National Guard 17 ポイント18 ポイント

TIL some presidents are shit bags for not serving in the military.