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Trending Subreddits for 2014-06-10: /r/AskVet, /r/jazztheory, /r/LivestreamFails, /r/reactiongifs, /r/holdmybeer (self.trendingsubreddits)
submitted 18 時間 前 by reddit
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[–]slim2323 -9 ポイント-8 ポイント-7 ポイント 16 時間 前
The only thing more boring than jazz is discussing jazz theory.
[–]axisofelvis 3 ポイント4 ポイント5 ポイント 15 時間 前
Take the Kenny G CD out of your player and put in some real Jazz. Problem solved.
[–]Party_Magician -3 ポイント-2 ポイント-1 ポイント 13 時間 前*
If the thing I like is boring/bad/not cool, it must not be the real thing I like!
[–]Rokkaku_Police -2 ポイント-1 ポイント0 ポイント 10 時間 前
I take hyperbole way too seriously
[–]Party_Magician -7 ポイント-6 ポイント-5 ポイント 10 時間 前*
I don't understand fallacies, or Reddit fomatting, or what hyperbole means, or jokes really
— /u/Rokkaku_Police
I didn't comment on the fallacy
I formatted exactly how I wanted to
There was no punchline, you just cited a fallacy.
How damn clever.
EDIT: Oh damn, you edited, he was pretty obviously exaggerating. If you didn't pick that up, that's your issue.
[–]Party_Magician -1 ポイント0 ポイント1 ポイント 9 時間 前
The punchline was the words I put the link on, ya dingus
How the hell is bullet a quote mark?
You still don't really know what hyperbole means.
[–]Rokkaku_Police -2 ポイント-1 ポイント0 ポイント 9 時間 前
It wasn't funny at all, at least be funny. All you did was reword the fallacy.
It functioned perfectly as one, to think otherwise is just pedantic. Also, a dash isn't a quote mark either, " is. If we're being pedantic.
He exagerrated as a figure of speech to prove a point. That's the definition of hyperbole.
Good game, though.
He didn't exaggerate anything. He assumed that because someone doesn't like Jazz, it must be the wrong kind of Jazz. That's almost a perfect fit for the fallacy, and that's what made it funny. If you don't like the joke, that's okay. Doesn't mean it's not a joke.
I edited to put the joke part back, because without it your comment's part about joke wouldn't make sense, and that's bad reddiquette.
[–]Rokkaku_Police -2 ポイント-1 ポイント0 ポイント 9 時間 前*
He used Kenny G as a hyperbole for the extreme worst that Jazz is, and "real" in this case is usually used to mark the difference between "bad" and "good," it's an exagerration.
All in all, citing the fallacy was just silly and pointless, so I'm making fun of you for it.
EDIT: Basically, his original joke was the fallacy, all you did was try to piggyback a joke by explaining it.
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[–]slim2323 -9 ポイント-8 ポイント-7 ポイント
[–]axisofelvis 3 ポイント4 ポイント5 ポイント
[–]Party_Magician -3 ポイント-2 ポイント-1 ポイント
[–]Rokkaku_Police -2 ポイント-1 ポイント0 ポイント