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[–]SauceBause[S] 77 ポイント78 ポイント

For the record: she's a transgender prostitute

Edited as instructed

[–]Pokethug 27 ポイント28 ポイント

Give her my number. For a friend.

[–]veikoso 39 ポイント40 ポイント

"yo Pokethug"

"yo sup"

"dude if you're ever on the internet and stumble on a cringeworthy photo of a transgender prostitute could you contact the person who made the post and then ask the poster for that particular prostitutes cellphone number?"

"yeah sure"

'kk ty"

[–]Seabuscuit [score hidden]

twist: that friend is /u/veikoso

[–]Power_Tristan101 [score hidden]

I don't know if I'm being "wooshed" or you are.

[–]swordmagic [score hidden]

Your username is probably "pocket hug" but I can't stop saying "poke thug" as in a thug in the pokemon universe.

[–]shit_knife 4 ポイント5 ポイント


[–]JDM713 4 ポイント5 ポイント

Oh so the text bar is really just cleverly placed there to conceal dick.

[–]mrcolter51 [score hidden]

Two questions:

1.Why are you friends with a transgender prostitute on Facebook?

2.What's her name?

[–]SoupMuffin [score hidden]

I'm friends with a trans prostitute on FB because we're friends in real life. She wasn't a prostitute when we met though, just unemployed and sexually free.

[–]claw_hammer 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Well then, I'm out of here

[–]ggg730 [score hidden]

Out for more lube eh? Gotcha.