

June 8th 793: Viking invasion of England begins

On this day in 793, Vikings raided the abbey at Lindisfarne in Northumbria, thus beginning the Scandinavian invasion of England. The abbey was a famous centre of learning across the continent, and many of the resident monks were killed by the Vikings and the abbey’s treasures were taken. The invasion shocked the Christian West and alerted Europe to the Viking threat; many consider it the beginning of the Viking Age.

“Never before has such an atrocity been seen”
- Alcuin of York, 793

If I question this, maybe argue numbers or whether or not it even happened, will I be labelled a “Hater’, or “Racist’, or ‘Bigot’?
Even more importantly can I go to Jail for even asking this in public?
You can if you question the period of 1933-1945 and change the detils slightly, Viking/Nazi Christian/Jew 

Oh well. Never mind, just thinking aloud.

Anonymous asked:

Are you a historian yourself? Where did you learn all this information from?

If I tell you, i’d have to kill you. :)

Basically it’s like this. When you learn something at school, or on TV, books etc., there is this internal Bullshitometer inside that me that goes ‘ping’ now and again. I reached the age of reason when I learnt what that meant.

Since then I always question everything, no matter what.

Take 1/3 as bullshit.

the other 1/3 as truth and,

The other 1/3 is up to you and you will either know the truth or you will not.