June 8, 2014


7:30pm  |   URL: http://tmblr.co/ZhRb1v1IAb8DD
Filed under: post autism 
  1. foonirvanacage reblogged this from myreasonswhyihatetmblralot and added:
    SJW/special snowflake syndrome
  2. avalon-uncensored reblogged this from reye-chan and added:
    Friendly reminder that having autism doesn’t make you cute or special and it isn’t a personality trait to use to make...
  3. teripops reblogged this from reye-chan
  4. reye-chan reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice
  5. blossom-babe reblogged this from humanslothking
  6. korellasan reblogged this from myreasonswhyihatetmblralot
  7. myreasonswhyihatetmblralot reblogged this from ohheyitsshanaj and added:
    We need a new disease.
  8. franticfreaksmith reblogged this from tittiesjpg and added:
    Ok what the actual fuck?
  9. kasia-gets-healthy reblogged this from humanslothking
  10. tittiesjpg reblogged this from humanslothking and added:
    they take it too far
  11. srencon reblogged this from humanslothking
  12. humanslothking reblogged this from ohheyitsshanaj
  13. ohheyitsshanaj reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice and added:
    I fucking can’t anymore
  14. plavskyparticle reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice
  15. the-6th-intoner reblogged this from likeacooldude
  16. huntakinte reblogged this from likeacooldude
  17. thegooddarius reblogged this from greekgodsforsocialjustice
  18. whatevia reblogged this from likeacooldude
  19. likeacooldude reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice
  20. ditzyfish reblogged this from zwartezwaluw and added:
    You know those things that you see and it makes you really angry but at the same time you’re so stunned by it, you can’t...
  21. jetpack-johnny reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice and added:
  22. zwartezwaluw reblogged this from empress-scarlet and added:
    It fucking infuriates me so I’m going to reblog it but words fail me right now.
  23. pinkie-whitelloon reblogged this from wtfsocialjustice