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[–]Chefcmerks 1 ポイント2 ポイント

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what makes them "belgian waffle"?

also, try using a larger star tip for your frosting, the small star looks a bit strange.

[–]ToxicCupcake[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント

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I used a recipe from another blogger, she referred to them as Belgian waffle cupcakes, I gave her credit in my blog post. I have a set of 26 different tips and have been trying to give them a go to see how they look. I like them, but hopefully I can invest in some larger tips soon as I can see your point.

[–]Chefcmerks -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

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It's not the recipe or credit i am concerned with, I just don't get what makes them "waffle". I always thought being a waffle was more about the waffle iron than the batter itself.

and also, why post something you even admit in your blog post that you didn't like that much?

[–]ToxicCupcake[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント

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I guess I consider it "waffle" because it tastes like a waffle, just not a very good one. Why did I post? Because I am still proud that I created it even if it didn't turn out how I thought it would. You win some, you lose some. I still think they are cute and the frosting was delicious so I wouldn't want anyone to miss out on that part.