On not playing the victim

My friend is a lesbian who’s very extreme in her views and is often quite offensive to me about being straight and how my relationship is ‘boring and meaningless’ because of this. How do I show her this is just as hurtful as a homophobic comment?

Um, you’re straight. How the fuck would you know how much homophobic comments hurt?

Maybe if you weren’t so eager to play the victim, you could see past your own smarmy sense of entitlement long enough to recognize that just because you’re offended, that doesn’t mean you’re also being oppressed.

If your lesbian friend is talking smack about you, then by all means, tell her to go fuck herself. Call her out for being an asshole, but keep that whiny “just as hurtful” bullshit to yourself.

You will always lose that argument.

Comments On not playing the victim

Notes On not playing the victim

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  11. chaneltampon reblogged this from masochisticbeaver
  12. socialjusticestupidity reblogged this from dreamychocolateprincess and added:
    I love how the response is basically “fuck you for being offended”.
  13. nopantsparade reblogged this from dreamychocolateprincess
  14. dusty-tea reblogged this from rosalarian and added:
    Yeah like, if your friend is being a dick yeah call them out tell them so but don’t compare being mean to straight...
  15. minkstwink reblogged this from dreamychocolateprincess
  16. objectorbit reblogged this from nekoama and added:
    Gonna agree with this here. Calling anyone’s love meaningless is bullshit, period. It’s crap, and demeaning, and it...
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