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[–]John2Nhoj 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Masc. or Masculine basically means to not have nelly or flighty mannerisms and talk like Jack McFarland on Will & Grace for example.

No matter how much semantic logic one can muster up it is indeed a genuine state of being and a preference for a lot of masculine mannered gay men who are put off by the stereotypical gay mannerisms and speak when it comes to dating men.

[–]intellectualRubbish[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント

I have not met anyone who behaves like Jack McFarland in real life.

[–]John2Nhoj 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Lucky you.

[–]John2Nhoj 1 ポイント2 ポイント

"From where I come from, masculinity is indicated by a person taking responsibility. Making something out of himself. Not be a burden on anyone else but rather the provider. Caring for his family, sacrificing for others. Making sure his family/friends are provided for. Always be there for them."

Non-masculine men and even women can be all of that too. What you are describing is good character, not masculinity.

[–]intellectualRubbish[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Not where I come from. A lumber jack with deep voice and built like a brick will be called "feminine" if he fails to provide for his wife.

I know, sounds totally misogynist.

[–]John2Nhoj -1 ポイント0 ポイント

Well here and on apps it applies to gay men who carry themselves like most straight men. Some call it "straight acting", but there is no acting involved, they are just being who they naturally and comfortably are, attracted to the same type of guys is all.

Even the use of "feminine" in gay life is all wrong because most real women do not act that way. It's something else that just doesn't have a designer label attached to it yet.

Often some guys who are considered to be "feminine" in the gay community get jealous for not being included in what someone they might be interested is looking for. Their response is often to accuse anyone who doesn't find them to be sexually appealing of hating them.

The word "hate" is often abused these days as a way of trying to get back at someone who doesn't care to be like them or like what they like. Given that mentality; one would think that GAY is a group-think cult sometimes because those are the same kind of psychology\methods those cults use to keep their members in line.

[–]intellectualRubbish[S] 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Well here and on apps it applies to gay men who carry themselves like most straight men.

Straight men don't suck dick (at least not on a regular basis).

I do agree with your point of "feminine" men shouldn't be forcing themselves either in group or sexually. Everyone has their preferences. No one has the right to judge someone for not having sex with anyone.

[–]John2Nhoj -4 ポイント-3 ポイント

"Straight men don't suck dick (at least not on a regular basis)."

Typical gay semantic logic for the sake of argument only. I never said it's was whether a guy has Heterosexual or homosexual sex that determines whether he is masculine or whatever.

All I said is it's the way a gay guy carries himself (mannerisms) and speaks, minus all of the stereotypical gay slang etc.

[–]intellectualRubbish[S] 4 ポイント5 ポイント

I just feel that you have watched too many movies/Tv shows with "those" kind of gays.

BTW I know it is not my place to comment, and you are perfectly welcome to ignore my comment but I feel you have issues with internalised homophobia. I know the feeling, I battled it for years.

[–]John2Nhoj -3 ポイント-2 ポイント

No. I can take you to gay bars and clubs all over the country that are full of the stereotypically nelly, limp wrist type gay guys calling each other boi and other silly names.

As for the "internalised homophobia", over used homo-babble; that's only a mantra used as a lame attempt to make someone who is different and ok with it feel ashamed of themselves for not being a clone of all the those who use that terminology as their defense.

In reality it's the stereotypical, clone-like gays who are still ashamed of themselves for being what they are and like misery loves company they just want others to share the same shameful misery they do, because the more people they can get to act like they do gives them a sense of normalcy they so desperately need to feel, but it's a dysfunctional normalcy to say the least.

[–]MoreBroThanYo 1 ポイント2 ポイント

he's a textbook internalized homophobe. stick around and see how he proves it daily. some men never become man enough to address it and deal with it.