The mother of all snack-attacks is here!

The MMM3000 team have created the best delivery system after reviewing hundreds of different designs.

Check it out above.

And thanks to everyone for all your help, ideas and support. You guys have been awesome.

For the final prototype and Syndicate’s EPIC unboxing, check out this link:

Over & Out.

The Fridge Raiders Team

The Latest Meat Helmets Are Ready! Is one of them yours?

Check out the latest helmet prototypes! Based on your submissions, the MMM3000 team have built some of the best prototypes on their way to defeating the problem of snacking & gaming.

The Ultimate Snacking & Gaming Device is….

(Drum roll please)

Bellys rumbling? Here’s how we’re battling hunger.

See if your idea is in the mix as the MMM3000 team review a ton of submissions for the ultimate hands-free snacking & gaming helmet.

#MMM3000 - Latest Prototype Blueprints from the community’s ideas

Ready to peck & play?

You guys have been sending in lots of submissions for a trough-like peripherals, so you can snack and game at the same time.

You wanted it, so we built it!

A bit tongue-in-cheek?

Daniel Smith shared his bit of genius with the MMM3000 team and faster than you can say, “Chillin like a villain lookin’ like Matt Dillon on penicillin”, they built it.

So here it is, enjoy!

#MMM3000 - 4-bite blade delivery system prototype

#MMM3000 - Rotary Shooter Prototype

#MMM3000 - Pneumatic Air Bazooka Prototype