FIS President

  • FIS President Gian Franco Kasper

    Gian Franco Kasper

    The FIS Council consists of 18 members: a President, four Vice Presidents, 16 Members and a Secretary General. Gian Franco Kasper was elected President in 1998....

FIS Vice Presidents

  • Janez Kocijancic High Def

    Janez Kocijancic

    Janez Kocijancic (*1941) has been member of the FIS Council since 1981. He was elected Vice President in 2010.

  • Sung-Won Lee high def

    Dr Sung-Won Lee

    Sung-Won Lee (*1932) has been member of the FIS Council since 2000. He is also former President and current Honorary President of the Korea Ski Association.

  • Bill Marolt high def

    Bill Marolt

    Bill Marolt (*1943), FIS Vice President and member of the FIS Council since 2002, has been President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the U.S. Ski and ...

  • Sverre Seeberg High Def

    Sverre Seeberg

    Sverre K. Seeberg (*1950) was elected FIS Vice President, Treasurer and Chairman of the Finance Commission in 2010.

FIS Members

  • mats arjes High Def

    Mats Arjes

    Mats Arjes (*1967) was elected President of the Swedish Ski Association in December 2008. He is President, Chief Executive Officer and Member of the Board of ...

  • andrey bokarev High Def

    Andrey Bokarev

    Andrey Bokarev (*1966) was elected President of the Russian Ski Association in March 2010. Prior to that, he has served as President of the Russian Alpine Ski ...

  • Dean Gosper High Def

    Dean Gosper

    Dean Gosper (*1957) was elected President of Ski & Snowboard Australia (SSA) in 2003, after having served as a Director since 1997. He is also the Deputy ...

  • alfons hormann high def

    Alfons Hörmann

    Alfons Hörmann (*1960) was elected President of the German Ski Association in June 2005. Before that, he was President of the Bavarian Ski Association ...

  • Roman Kumpost High Def

    Roman Kumpost

    Roman Kumpost (*1962) has been member of the FIS Nordic Combined Executive Board since 1989 and also served as its Chairman in 2010 - 2013.

  • Vedran Pavlek high def

    Vedran Pavlek

    Vedran Pavlek (*1973) has been Director of the Croatian Alpine Ski Team and the Croatian Alpine Ski Pool in the Croatian Ski Association since 1998.

  • Flavio Roda High Def

    Flavio Roda

    Flavio Roda (*1948) was elected President of the Italian Winter Sports Association (FISI) in March 2012.

  • Eduardo Roldán High Def

    Eduardo Roldán

    Eduardo Roldán Osés (*1943) has been a member of the FIS Council since 2006. He has served as President of the Royal Spanish Winter Sports ...

  • Peter Schröcksnadel High Def

    Peter Schröcksnadel

    Peter Schröcksnadel (*1941) was member of the FIS Council from 2002-2008 and was re-elected in 2010. He has served as President of the Austrian Ski ...

  • patrick smith high-def

    Patrick Smith

    Patrick Smith (*1949) has been a member of the FIS Council since 2000 and he is also the Chair of the FIS Doping Panel.

  • Matti Sundberg High Def

    Matti Sundberg

    Matti Sundberg (*1942) was President of the Finnish Ski Association from October 2009 to May 2013. He is currently also the Chairman of the Board of Chempolis ...

  • Michel Vion High Def

    Michel Vion

    Michel Vion (*1959) was member of the FIS Council from 2004-2008 and re-elected in 2010. Since 2002, he is also Member of the Board of the French Ski ...

FIS Secretary General