FIS President
Gian Franco Kasper
The FIS Council consists of 18 members: a President, four Vice Presidents, 16 Members and a Secretary General. Gian Franco Kasper was elected President in 1998....
FIS Vice Presidents
Janez Kocijancic
Janez Kocijancic (*1941) has been member of the FIS Council since 1981. He was elected Vice President in 2010.
Dr Sung-Won Lee
Sung-Won Lee (*1932) has been member of the FIS Council since 2000. He is also former President and current Honorary President of the Korea Ski Association.
Bill Marolt
Bill Marolt (*1943), FIS Vice President and member of the FIS Council since 2002, has been President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the U.S. Ski and ...
Sverre Seeberg
Sverre K. Seeberg (*1950) was elected FIS Vice President, Treasurer and Chairman of the Finance Commission in 2010.
FIS Members
Mats Arjes
Mats Arjes (*1967) was elected President of the Swedish Ski Association in December 2008. He is President, Chief Executive Officer and Member of the Board of ...
Andrey Bokarev
Andrey Bokarev (*1966) was elected President of the Russian Ski Association in March 2010. Prior to that, he has served as President of the Russian Alpine Ski ...
Dean Gosper
Dean Gosper (*1957) was elected President of Ski & Snowboard Australia (SSA) in 2003, after having served as a Director since 1997. He is also the Deputy ...
Alfons Hörmann
Alfons Hörmann (*1960) was elected President of the German Ski Association in June 2005. Before that, he was President of the Bavarian Ski Association ...
Roman Kumpost
Roman Kumpost (*1962) has been member of the FIS Nordic Combined Executive Board since 1989 and also served as its Chairman in 2010 - 2013.
Vedran Pavlek
Vedran Pavlek (*1973) has been Director of the Croatian Alpine Ski Team and the Croatian Alpine Ski Pool in the Croatian Ski Association since 1998.
Flavio Roda
Flavio Roda (*1948) was elected President of the Italian Winter Sports Association (FISI) in March 2012.
Eduardo Roldán
Eduardo Roldán Osés (*1943) has been a member of the FIS Council since 2006. He has served as President of the Royal Spanish Winter Sports ...
Peter Schröcksnadel
Peter Schröcksnadel (*1941) was member of the FIS Council from 2002-2008 and was re-elected in 2010. He has served as President of the Austrian Ski ...
Patrick Smith
Patrick Smith (*1949) has been a member of the FIS Council since 2000 and he is also the Chair of the FIS Doping Panel.
Matti Sundberg
Matti Sundberg (*1942) was President of the Finnish Ski Association from October 2009 to May 2013. He is currently also the Chairman of the Board of Chempolis ...
Michel Vion
Michel Vion (*1959) was member of the FIS Council from 2004-2008 and re-elected in 2010. Since 2002, he is also Member of the Board of the French Ski ...
FIS Secretary General
FIS Secretary General
Sarah Lewis was appointed FIS Secretary General in 2000.