Anonymous asked:

wait why is ck louis shitty<? he seems like a pretty logical an funny person to me? did he do something shitty?

He had a skit (several really) where he says the N word over and over, tries to explain how it’s somehow worse to say “The N Word” instead of the uncensored word itself, and then to top it off, he also uses the c slur and the f slur. Check out this oh-so-charming little wikia page (tw for tons of slurs and racism). He is literally straight-white-dude-does-edgy-comedy incarnate.

But of course, he had one little skit where he says some things about how women have it hard so now he is being hailed as the new champion of feminism.

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    #not to mention the rape jokes#and his fanboys send you death threats on tumblr for refusing to glorify him#that is the...
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