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[–]CrunchyNipple 312 ポイント313 ポイント

After I saw that Sex and the City movie where the Muslim ladies were dressed hot as fuck under their garments, I am always wondering what fierceness is going on under your hijabs. Mashallah!

[–]Bacon_is_not_france 73 ポイント74 ポイント

That's actually part of the appeal. A lot of Muslim men find their hair to be sexual since it's normally not revealed unless they've taken off their hijab.

Source: I have a Muslim girlfriend.

[–]Dezideria 5 ポイント6 ポイント

"What you can't see is what you want to have" pretty wonder there is so much objectifying in those countries

[–]Bacon_is_not_france -6 ポイント-5 ポイント

It isn't entirely about degrading women, some men actually prefer niqabs, hijabs, etc.

Initially, it allows you to judge a women based solely on her personality. If you fall in love with their personality, it makes them that much more attractive when you finally see them completely. I'm biased, but I think hijabi's are cute partially because of that mysterious element.

[–]Dezideria 25 ポイント26 ポイント

"not entirely about degrading women" - That sounds pretty bad as it is. "some men actually prefer niqabs, hijabs" - That's because they're not the ones wearing them and they control their women by demanding them what to wear.

If we are really talking about falling in love with people's personality (as it should be anyway) without also falling for their looks, then both men and women should cover up. It's not like women don't have preferences in how their SO should look like.

[–]Bacon_is_not_france 0 ポイント1 ポイント

I think you have misinterpreted what I said based on your own personal history, considering almost every submission you have ever posted is about how much you hate hijab and muslim men.

If you would actually read past the first sentence (which I encourage you to do) I'm saying that niqabs aren't entirely about degrading women. Yes, they do degrade women, that is undeniable. Do I support them? No. However, some men prefer it for other reasons than a power trip. That is the sole reason for my comment, to explain why some men are attracted to niqabs/hijabs.

Also, your second paragraph is barely connected to what I said. If you think physical attraction isn't required for a relationship, that's your opinion. I'm not arguing whether or not women should be required to wear hijabs, I'm explaining why it has a sexual appeal for some men.

[–]Dezideria -4 ポイント-3 ポイント

your first paragraph - ok 2nd paragraph - What are these reasons that men prefer the niqab ...assuming men are entitled to prefer anything that has to do with women's clothing 3rd paragraph - nonsense

[–]Bacon_is_not_france 1 ポイント2 ポイント

What do you mean, what are these reasons? It's the sole reason we are having this conversation. It's what I said in my first comment.

Initially, it allows you to judge a women based solely on her personality. If you fall in love with their personality, it makes them that much more attractive when you finally see them completely. Personally, I think hijabi's are cute partially because of that mysterious element.

Also, do I need to repeat that I am against people forcing women what to wear? I have not said that men are "entitled to anything that has to do with women's clothing." The ONLY thing I have said, is why some men might prefer that style of clothing for reasons other than degrading women. I don't know why you are trying to argue with me or put words in my mouth, I agree with you. Just stop and reread what I am saying.

I wrote that my girlfriend is muslim and all I have said is why I think hijabs are cute. I have various posts and comments on how I am against forcing muslim culture and how it has affected my life. I will never be able to ask my girlfriend's father for the right to marry her because I am white and we have had to keep our relationship secret, it has affected me too. I literally do not know what else I need to say to explain that I am against forcing these ideas on women.

[–]DesertPetrichor 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Yes, there are definitely some problems within the culture, but there are also many problems with sexism and the oppression of women in our culture. It is not my place, nor anyone else's place to tell someone that their religion is oppressing them. Some women feel empowered by their hijab/niqab, and as someone who doesn't understand and cannot understand what it is like to be Muslim, who am I to tell her that she's wrong? We need to collectively stop acting like Muslim women are all oppressed.

[–]Dezideria 0 ポイント1 ポイント

The fact that women live miserable lives under Islamic governments means something. I also know what it means to be part of a religion that doesn't allow you to leave it or do anything that doesn't go along with its rules. Ask any ex muslim women how it was for them to tell their family that they don't want to wear the hijab anymore.

I also consider muslim women who say the feel empowered by their hijabs, deluded to the extreme, just as much as I consider pornstar women say they feel empowered when they become men's toilets, and just as much as slaves will one day choose to wear chains around themselves and say they feel empowered.