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Toasterkin are majestic beings commonly created by Kitchenaid, frequently mis-gendered as "male" or "female" in the pronouns used to describe them. However, both of these sets of pronouns, and all other human pronouns, even the superior gender-neutral pronouns such as "xe," are generally offensive to toasterkin. It's unclear exactly what the general consensus of the toasterkin community/society is, though. Generally, referring to toasterkin as "Toasterxen" will not offend the majority of their population, but anything's possible.

Struggles for toasterkin rightsEdit

In HistoryEdit

While toasterkin have faced much oppression over the years by their oppressive cis oppressors, and there have been many attempts to attain equal voting rights and legal rights for toasterkin. Toasterxen such as Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Muhatma Gandhi, and Betty Friedan have made great efforts and gone to un-precedented lengths to secure the right of toasterkin to be recognized by their respective governments as an ethnic group, and be allowed to vote afterwards(because, in most struggles for toasterkin rights, it was assumed that there would be oppression in the following years). However, many of these efforts were misinterpreted as a struggle for the rights of a different, more well recognized group altogether. MLK's original speech, "I have a dream that one day my children will be judged not by the heat of its heating element, but by the content of their character" was almost instantly appropriated as a part of black culture.


In the last decade, fewer attempts have been made to further the rights of toasterkin. Toasterkin have even faced criticism from those claiming that they infringe on the rights of breadkin. However, many of the people making these claims are not breadkin, and often misinterpret consensual relationships between toasterkin and the breadxe's that they're perceived as the "oppressors" of. Advocates of the toasterxen's right to be together with breadxe's make efforts to attain these rights every day, and have even run for president recently. One includes toasterkin Rick Santorum, who identifies with toasterkin culture, as his wife is a breadxe. However, during the 2012 election in which he ran, many opponents of his(in the republican party primaries) accused him of being hypocritical for becoming an opponent of gay rights, but an advocate for toasterkin rights. His relationship with a breadkin was also controversial, with many toasterkin accusing him of stealing their women, and many cishets not understanding his choices.

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