




are these 3 different characters





Actually I care. If it’s still happening it needs to be pointed out again. I like my characters with more diversity

Good for you. Guess what? So do I. But this movie works as fucking is and we’ve been over this fucking argument since we first saw promos. 

Get the fuck over it and move the fuck on.

You don’t like the movie? Ignore it. The rest of us do.

Actually, no. This movie DOESN’T work which is why this argument needs to come up over and over again until we stop seeing articles praising Frozen for being Disney’s “best.”

There IS no ignoring it when it’s plastered everywhere, where it’s STILL played constantly in stores, when “Let It Go” still pops up in the backdrop of every major shopping center.

There is especially NO ignoring it if you’re in animation.

It’s hard to ignore such blatant copy-paste characters succeeding in popular media while you are slaving over character design courses and being forced to make unique silhouettes for each character.

It’s hard to ignore such POOR writing and characterization when you’re doing everything in your power to keep your OWN characters from overused tropes and from become just stereotype.

It’s hard to ignore such a weak story with weak representation on a website full of people who constantly sing Frozen praises and put it on such a pedestal that they create scenarios with homosexual characters just to given Frozen even MORE praise.

It’s SUPER hard to ignore it because you can’t even try to bring up a DISCUSSION on Frozen and it’s flaws because everyone gets so ridiculously defensive over any criticisms on this film and instead of being met with cohesive arguments we are left with such weak and trivial excuses like:

  • "Well, they’re related! My mother and I are also carbon copies!"
  • "Sami people are white! I should know because Europe!"
  • "If you don’t like it so much why don’t you just get your own multi-billion dollar company and make your OWN film?"
  • "Animation and character design is hard! Drawing unique female characters is super difficult so of course they’re all the same! Give Disney a break! They’ve only been at it for 80 years!"

So long as this movie gets praised over other films that have succeeded where it failed, we won’t “get over it.”

Because the public were taken in by this trope-fest and deemed that the art design was better than Dreamworks’ The Croods, that the writing was better than La Parti’s Ernest and Celestine, that the story was better than Pixar’s Monsters University, and that the animation was better than Miyazaki’s The Wind Rises. Clipping animation beat out Miyazaki.

The only way this movie works is as a blatant money grab with no regard to the actual art of animation.

So long as that wins over the artform, no. We won’t get over it.

June  4   ( 103835 )   via   /   source   +
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    i don’t know if this is diversity problem alone or a diversity problem exacerbated by extreme laziness of both the...
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    I love “Ignore it. The rest of us do.” Let’s just plug our ears and join the rest of the herd in denial.
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    Elsa, her mom and her sister look very much alike. Wow. Such shock. Also shut the fuck up about this. Its like tumblr...
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