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[–]intravenus_de_milo [score hidden]

The real problem with this subreddit is intellectual dishonesty. Things like blatant strawmans, biased sources, playing dumb, loaded questions, and partisan circlejerking.

Seriously? After you posted this "question" today that exemplifies all of these qualities?

As Gandhi said "Be the change that you wish to see in the world."

[–]Eroticawriter4 [score hidden]

His comments also contribute mightily to serious discussion, provided that serious discussion is sniping about who has drunk "the koolaid". What a wonderful contribution.

[–]PyreDruid [score hidden]

Sounds like he's mad people didn't agree with him?

I mean those are all issues with political debates. I agree there should be more facts and less vitriol. Just seems disingenuous coming after that.