PyCon JP 2014
カンファレンス本体の参加申込/the main conference registration
主催 : PyCon JP Committee
募集内容 |
Patron(パトロン) 前払い:20000円 1/40人 EarlyBird(早割) 前払い:7500円 17/250人 Student(学生) 前払い:5000円 2/10人 |
前払いについて |
キャンセル・参加費用の払い戻しについて主催者からの説明: * キャンセルされた場合、参加費用の払い戻しは出来ません。 * キャンセル操作をせずに、ご自身で他の参加者に権利を譲る等の対処をお願いいたします。 (受付番号とconnpassのIDが記載された参加票を譲渡先にお渡しください) * もしイベントが中止となった場合は、全額返金いたします。 * If you cancel your registration, there are no refunds. * If you wish to transfer your ticket to another person, please give the person you wish to transfer to 1) your registration number and 2) your connpass username as indicated on the ticket. You do not have to cancel the registration here. * In the event that the conference is canceled, we will refund all participants 100% accordingly. |
主催者の連絡先: (参加者にのみ公開されます) |
- 全講演(9/13-14)への参加
- 懇親会(9/13 夕方~夜)
- ランチ(9/13-14)
- PyCon JP Tシャツとグッズ
2014[ at ]pycon.jp までメールで問い合わせて下さい。
- 一般参加者(パトロン/一般/早割/学生) - 参加登録が必要です
- 発表者(まだ確定していませんが) - 参加登録が必要です
- 運営スタッフ、当日スタッフ、スポンサー枠で参加する人 - 参加登録は不要です
PyCon JP 2014 in Japan is the largest annual event for the Japan Python community and takes place over a period of 4 days with keynote talks, conference, development sprints and more.
Please sign up on this page to attend the main conference on Sep 13th and 14th.
The fee above includes:
- All talks(July 13,14)
- Conference Party(night July 13)
- Lunch(July 13,14)
- breakPyCon JP T-shirt and Goods
We recommend that everyone pay with a credit card for both convenience and security reasons. If anyone, however, is having difficulty paying via credit card or does not have one, please contact us at 2014[ at ]pycon.jp.
Who needs to register?
- Patron/Generic/EarlyBird/Student/Conference speakers - please sign up from this page.
- Organizing staff members, event staffs and those who attend as sponsors quota - you are NOT required to register here separately.
Other detailed information should check here.
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