Unpopular opinion: Cultural Appropriation is not racist.
That argument is the biggest load of crap I have ever heard. And it is fucking annoying because you know these ass hats are only going off what they hear other people say and not thinking about what is actually coming out of their own mouth.
There is nothing wrong with being interested in another culture. There is nothing wrong with exploring. There is nothing wrong with paying homage to something you admire through art. If you want to stop ignorance and racism, that’s where it starts. Exploring, appreciating, and admiring the culture of others.
You know what is racist? Telling people that they have to stay within the confines of their skin color. I’m pretty sure that’s what people who were pro-segregation had in mind during the 60s.
I will agree and say there is a line that separates showing admiration for a culture and just being flat out racist.
For example, Katy Perry’s performance where she dressed like a geisha complete with Japanese women and scenery. It wasn’t crazy or over the top. Given that she is genuinely interested in Japanese culture, what she did was perfectly fine. What’s not okay? Dressing up like a geisha while taping the corner of her eyes back while running around on stage screaming “KAWAAIII DESU DESU” and throwing sushi and soy sauce at the audience. That would be completely insensitive and offensive.
The whole argument of using Japanese women as props? What do you expect her to do? Use black women? Would that make any sense? If she used all white women, people would say she’s trying to ‘steal’ from the Japanese culture. What else was she supposed to do? She didn’t kidnap anyone and force them to do anything. If the dancers consented to doing the performance they obviously weren’t offended by it. So what the fuck is the problem?
If someone from outside your cultural boundaries is interested in learning about your background, you should be proud to let them in. There’s a huge difference in trying to exploit something for personal gain and trying to connect through a universal medium like art, music, or fashion.
Stop shaming people for wanting to expand their minds and break boundaries. That’s the only way to bring people together.
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