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[–]HomoFerox_HomoFaber 191 ポイント192 ポイント

Regarding the waving and handshakes From the NYT article:

When Sergeant Bergdahl “saw his American helicopter, he was very happy and wanted to rush toward them,” the Taliban member said in the video.

He then expressed dismay with the Americans, who rushed through the encounter and did not stop to talk or exchange polite greetings, as is customary in Afghanistan, even during hostage releases. He complained that they had managed to shake hands with only two of the Americans, and that one of them had hastily shoved his left hand forward, considered a particularly rude gesture in Afghanistan.

“We wanted to convey some messages to them via the interpreter, but they didn’t spend much time with us,” said the Taliban fighter, speculating that perhaps the Americans were too frightened to linger. “They even didn’t let us to shake hands with the soldier and say goodbye, and they behaved in a very simple way,” the fighter said.

Sorry for not sticking around for more pleasantries, Talibro!

Edit: the NYT changed the link, so I've updated their new link.

[–]IHateShaneBattier 118 ポイント119 ポイント

You know your country's fucked up when there is known "customary" etiquette for hostage situations.

[–]DNGR_S_PAPERCUT 44 ポイント45 ポイント

It's "even during hostage situations", not specifically for hostage situations.

they are basically saying that they are more polite than us. I think it was a jab at us not being cultured.

[–]HomoFerox_HomoFaber 24 ポイント25 ポイント

and they behaved in a very simple way,”

That's surely what he's saying. But as I in another comment below:

It was a comment about the asymmetrical goals of the whole fucking affair. They wanted to speak to the Operators through the Pashto interpreter. Obviously the Operators wanted to GTFO. That was their ONLY goal in this. They don't care about the decorum of hostage exchanges unless it changes the necessities of the mission. They felt it wasn't necessary and, from a mission perspective, there was no need. There was urgency on the side of the Operators, apparently there wasn't as much on the side of the Taliban.

The SF Operators were given a specific mission and did so. You can see one of the Operators try to get the guy to stop filming. For one because of the identities of Operators, but also I imagine because of this: using it as propoganda. They're laughing at us (after them in the video laughing after telling Bergdahf in Pashto that they'll kill him if he comes back).

The SF team doesn't give a damn about the being cultured in this situation. It's get in, get out. If they show any decorum, it's because it's necessary for the mission to do so.

[–]mylilponyranger 1 ポイント2 ポイント

I think they might be a little wary since six soldiers were killed while they were looking for bergdhal.

[–]DNGR_S_PAPERCUT 2 ポイント3 ポイント

I agree, that is the best way to do this type of deal, dash in dash out. I'm simply pointing out that the taliban were being dicks about trolling us for not being "polite". They'll take their shots where ever they can.

[–]HomoFerox_HomoFaber 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Think you replied to the wrong thread. =)

[–]DNGR_S_PAPERCUT 1 ポイント2 ポイント

It's still early here in the west coast. I haven't had my coffee yet.

[–]cravenly 2 ポイント3 ポイント

I think it was a jab at us not being cultured.

Then, in a huff, they buggered some beardless boys and murdered a whore who let herself get raped. After a satisfying poop, they scraped their bums clean with their left hand.

[–]HomoFerox_HomoFaber -1 ポイント0 ポイント

Or sought out culture they hadn't blown up, in order to blow it up.

[–]DaHockeyModsBannedMe 0 ポイント1 ポイント

You know that the middle east is a fucking cesspool when guys who believe in suicide attacks and martyrdom consider themselves more cultured than the United States of America.

[–]Im_why_Waldos_hiding 0 ポイント1 ポイント

they are basically saying that they are more polite than us. I think it was a jab at us not being cultured.

TIL crashing planes into buildings means "Just wanted to let ya know we're thinking about you".

[–]jimmifli 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Being polite is very important in a society where offending someone can get you killed.

It's why elbows on the table isn't a big deal for most of us anymore.

[–]I_am_Drexel 0 ポイント1 ポイント

There were heavily armed Taliban in the hills as well as the men who made the trade. I would have rushed out of there too to be honest, nothing to do with being cultured.

[–]casso 0 ポイント1 ポイント

should have sent in bruce willis to negotiate

[–]thezainyzain 26 ポイント27 ポイント

Left hand is used to clean your butt after using the bathroom in Islamic culture so that's why it can be considered rude

[–]HomoFerox_HomoFaber 6 ポイント7 ポイント

I understand. Condolezza Rice did that with Gaddafi. But you know, I'd say that I defer judgment in that situation to the Operator. Maybe he wants to keep the right hand ready in case something happens.

And the Taliban were supposed to be flying green when the Operators arrived, but they said, "wait, we don't have anything green, we'll just use white". These things don't always go smooth. But I am sure the operator made the right decision and it wasn't an oversight.

[–]OnceIthought 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Maybe he wants to keep the right hand ready in case something happens.

Absolutely. In a situation that can go south the dominant hand is supposed to be kept free in the case of problems. I've read that secret service agents are not supposed to do anything that would occupy their weapon hand either.

[–]fokoffmate 1 ポイント2 ポイント

In the voiceover, they were asked to use a green bulb, but they told them they didn't have it, and would use a white square/flag instead.

[–]HomoFerox_HomoFaber 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Thanks, I understood a green flag. The point is that they were coordinating smaller issues very shortly before the actual handover.

[–]beavioso 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Never heard about the Rice-Gaddafi thing.

Was this after it was known that he had a "crush" on her? Maybe she did it to disgust him?

[–]freecrablegs 0 ポイント1 ポイント

unlike notifying congress...

[–]PENISFULLOFBLOOD 0 ポイント1 ポイント

This guy sounds bummed out like he missed out on an expected reach around.

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[–]Cosmic_Bichette -1 ポイント0 ポイント


Loving that term. I see a Talibro as being this very, very sweet westerner-murdering extremist who stones women with gemstones and puts the heads he cuts off in a rather lovely, charming display.

Love it.