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Submitted on
December 28, 2012


657 (3 today)
  • Mood: Irritated
  • Listening to: Whatcha Waiting For?
  • Reading: The Giver
  • Watching: Fairy Tale
  • Playing: Sims 3
  • Eating: Pancakes!
  • Drinking: Orange Juice
Well I was downloading a model made by some japanese modeler and i was reading the README and this what is says:

 ただし日本語を理解できて、このread me内の文章が理解出来る方に限ってはその限りではありません。


※ Because it was found that the problems about the Terms of Service will continue in foreign countries, can not follow here, we have to stop for overseas distribution.
Only to those who can understand Japanese, can understand this sentence in the read me I am not as far as that, however.

WHAT THE FUDGE?!!  Is it me, or that sound kinda racist? Well to me it did. I might hyper senstive to stuff like this cause im black but that sounded racist and I DONT PLAY THAT!

I know that westeren mmd users tend to download and edit models so called "illegaly" like nanami and win 100% (I know because i had my fair share of editing "illegaly") but really? People are just overreacting now.

To tell you the truth, I think all this "illegal editing" happened when Nanami came out. I mean i joined the Mmd Comm. at the middle of its "golden age". Let me tell you how the old MMD Comm. was like:
-We trade , edit, and distubute as we pleased. WITHOUT anyone going all ITS ILEGAL or MMD POLICE on you.

Yup believe it or not, MMD used to be liked that. Until Nanami came. That when crap stared to happen. And then WIN 100% came out. First, who's gonna freaking some MONEY to get electronic dolls? I mean like seriously! So, you know who i blamed for this messed MMD Comm.:

Nanami and Win 100%

You what us westeren should do, we replicate all the models the Japanese made and then give them out. Then looks at the Japanese. We'll be like we dont need you we can make our own! There are alot good westeren modelers like ChatterHead (though he's like extremely peverted...).

Also, dont blame EITC (Also known as the group on facebook) for everything. There are alot of hypocrites out there. Just saying.....

Just writing to say im sorry to all you Japanese people that i call yall "Japs".  I know better than that Japanese especialy since my people has gone through alot of racism also.  From being around so much racism it rubbs off. Any way this was just my opinion. Not yours. I dont care if mine's wrong, it mine. I'll figure out eventually which ones right.  What meant up is that Readme seemed like it was trying to keep everyone but Japanese from using it. When I read it I saw how my people were treated back in the 1950's during segration with the "White Only" stores and stuff. So I kinda went rage typing on this Journal. As I was writing I was thinking "I wonder what does white pepole going to think when i post this! Prbably try to take it down. They can't stand letting have freedom of speak can they? Im just as good as they are, they can seprate me from them!" It wasn't til I read one of the comments that I directing my hate to the Japanese. DONT GET ME WRONG im not racist in anyway but it make me so angry how yall treated my people back then. Yall use that excused "That was back then this is now. stop dewelling in the past" but the truth is, its still there. In mine and every blacks persons heart that segration is still there and it hurts.
Look I just connected a simple readme text with my people's troubling pasts. I felt like "I no they're gonna try and seprate us again." Now I truely believe that it wasn't Nanami's Fault for all this messed up stuff. (Notice how I didnt include Win 100%) But guys, Im sory.
Truely am sorry.

What Happened to the OLD MMD Comm. and Racismby princessayw

Journals / Personal©2012-2014 princessayw
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TheWalrusQueen Dec 29, 2012  Hobbyist General Artist
Honey, I am the chief of the MMD police. After your conduct and your behavior, it was decided among the people that you will be arrested. Within 5 days you are to give up this horrendous act or my body will be shipped to your house to arrest you personally and place you under MMD laws.

Have a nice day~




Language of my country is not English.
Most of the software license agreement is written in English.
I do not think a software company is racist.
I read it and follow it to learn English.
I'm in international locations are committed to use the English.
I hope that mutual understanding and mutual respect to make the better world.
princessayw Dec 29, 2012  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Also I do know some Japanese meaning that I CAN read a little bit of that. And I found does first sentences very insulting. I didn't mean it ike that.T_T
princessayw Dec 29, 2012  Hobbyist Digital Artist
What meant was the readme sounded like it was trying to excude other for the model other than the japaneses. I hope that my refernce to your people back in rule WordWar 2 (Japs)didnt offend you.


I know that Google Translate doesn't work to well but I want to respect you.
Kas97 Dec 28, 2012  Hobbyist General Artist
So, you're saying, by protecting their creations and hard work from being stolen and modified, Nanami is the one at fault? And by providing worth-buying 3D models, Windows100% is the criminal?
Wow, the logic. I'm very interested to see what's running around your mind.
Well, so drawing rainbows on someone's artwork or put something you have to pay for up for free download is the right thing to do from the start?
Wow, just, wow.
princessayw Dec 29, 2012  Hobbyist Digital Artist
NO!! Thats not it. I meant that it seed liked none of this happpened til Nanami came because there wasnt really any rules. Then Win 100 because of course some people arn't gonna pay for them. Thats what I say about redistrubuting. Not sure bout editing.
"I think all this "illegal editing" happened when Nanami came out."

Let me just stop you right there because wow no lol

I've been here since the beginning and Nanami was one of the first people to release models for the multi-model edition of mmd. There wasn't much of a problem. There was never really a problem until near the end of 2009 when people first started reading read-me files and found out that they shouldn't have been editing Nanami's models. Her models always had rules, we were just too stupid to read the readme files.

"Let me tell you how the old MMD Comm. was like:
-We trade , edit, and distubute as we pleased. WITHOUT anyone going all ITS ILEGAL or MMD POLICE on you."

-Trading did not become and actual thing until like the middle of last year.
-MMD Police was made at the end of 2009/beginning of 2010. It became a thing at the SAME TIME that editing started becoming a problem.

And finally:
"There are alot of hypocrites out there. Just saying....."

You just called "some japanese modeler" whose name you don't even know racist because he doesn't want people to edit their model, but then you just went and used the -extremely- racist term of "japs" when referring to Japanese people.

So good job :iconclapplz:
princessayw Dec 29, 2012  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Nice emoticon at the bottom. I like it.
If you're saying this to imply you didn't read what I typed, then I'm sorry that you missed out on information that could have improved your outlook.
princessayw Dec 29, 2012  Hobbyist Digital Artist
No I read it. Just want rage at you.
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