Anonymous writes...
Just so everyone is aware… my blog is being watched intently by certain groups. Everything I say and do is being analyzed for anything that could prove to the world that I am actually some horrible person.
I just posted one thing to say, “Hey, don’t send this guy hate.” Once I felt everyone in the know had seen it, I removed both posts so there would be even less chance people would seek him out and send hate. I instantly get this message accusing me of—I don’t even know what.
The next time someone calls you a prick, let me know how far out of your way you go to protect them from abuse.
Pretty much everything I’ve said, no matter how much you and others may disagree, has been civil. I advocated no hatred toward anyone. In return I’ve had thousands of hate messages. Entire reddit threads dedicated to the hatred of me. Death threats. People telling me to kill myself. My favorite being “I hope somebody kills your corgi and forces you to fucking watch, you disgusting waste of human life.”
Which I think is pretty ironic since the entire opposing argument is that people shouldn’t fear men. That it is irrational and immoral to do so.
I did make one mistake. I blamed a victim to try and win an argument, and in a moment of panic I tried to hide it. Something I felt guilty as hell for and I apologized to the best of my ability. But of course that wasn’t good enough. I got more hate. More threats. I even donated money I didn’t have to RAINN because I felt so shitty for what I said. And I didn’t tell anyone. Well, I guess I just did. But you get the point.
I’m not the villain you want me to be. I just believe in something that I think is important enough to take on this heap of crap.
I’m pretty sure you all just want me to lose my shit. This is as close as you’re going to get. Sorry to disappoint you.