all 12 comments

[–]bunknownConservative 10 ポイント11 ポイント

This whole ordeal is like watching a late night comedy sketch, but with real world consequences...

[–]weldcoman 4 ポイント5 ポイント

I was hoping to hear from former presidents on this to see what they have say.

[–]Buggsy44Reagan Conservative 7 ポイント8 ポイント

can't get more accurate than that I dont think

[–]symkoReagan Conservative 2 ポイント3 ポイント

Wow the Haqqani cared for and fed an American for 5 years? They normally don't do that. How many other countries care for their POW's in such a manner. We shoulda dumped his parents off with him and called it "mission accomplished" instead.

[–]propshaftRadical Redneck 10 ポイント11 ポイント

This administration is a total failure from start to finish.

Only this idiot in chief could manage to release six islamo losers for nothing in a prisoner exchange.

[–]chabanaisFortis est veritas 3 ポイント4 ポイント


[–]RhondaT688 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Like Bergdahl, I am ashamed to be an American. My shame, however, stems partly from our incompetent leadership and partly from a citizenry that voted for this creep not once, but twice.

(I am really not ashamed, for I know that Obama, though he was born here and is an American citizen is not, by virtue of his actions and words, not an American. I am quite proud to be an American. However I am fundamentally troubled because we have been hijacked by a leftist ideologue who is guided by fascist tendencies inherent in Alinsky-ism.).

I am certain that America shall survive the creep. I worry more about surviving with a populace willing to knowingly vote for such a dangerous leftist like him.

[–]jiandersonzer0 1 ポイント2 ポイント

Do you realize the Alinsky text is not attributed to Alinsky himself?

[–]Diplomat_Ash 1 ポイント2 ポイント

So what do we have? 5 "terrorist" sitting on their butts at sunny Camp GTMO, because the evidence we have against them wouldn't hold up in a court of law. 1 "American solider" sitting in a Taliban encampment having been captured while either trying to desert, or maybe walk off his post trying to find a tasty desert, or got lost in the dessert, whatever we don't know for sure what the hell he was doing. Point is, he wasn't where he was supposed to be come morning roll call.

Now I would argue that 1 American life, even an unproven deserter, is worth say at least 5 Taliban if not more. Secondly, I'm willing to give any service man, especially one that has been in a theater of war, the benefit of the doubt. Let him explain his actions.

As for the 5 Taliban. I'd wouldn't be terribly surprised if they all died in drone related household accidents over the next year or so.