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[–]thepizzapeople 106 ポイント107 ポイント

Quote-mining the worst of redpill to comment on mensrights is about as valid as digging into the worst depths of tumblr to comment on modern feminism as it's presented in academia.

[–]Sharou 57 ポイント58 ポイント

Tumbler feminists at least claim to be feminists. TRP is generally opposed to the MRM.

[–]Piroko 20 ポイント21 ポイント

Indifferent more than opposed.

The mgtows agree with the MRA goals but they look down on the methods as ineffective. Basically they see you as starry eyed dreamers who don't comprehend that what you desire cannot be achieved by working within the system, only by revolution.

You'll either accomplish nothing or eventually have a beer hall putsch moment and transform from a peaceful advocacy movement into a militant one.

The pickup artists are more directly opposed to your end goals but they share the mgtow view about the efficacy of your methods, so you're no threat, and indeed a useful distraction.

[–]apathos_destroys 3 ポイント4 ポイント

If I had to choose, I would identify as a MGTOW. I wouldn't say MRA's are just "starry - eyed dreamers", nor would I say all of the methods used are innefective (though some certainly are). I see MRA's as a reaction to feminism, as a social movement.

My biggest problem with that is philosophical. I think rights should be re - written to be applied to everyone, as basic human beings. MRA's advocate for equality while pushing for men's rights. A noble cause, but short - sighted.

[–]randomai 0 ポイント1 ポイント

I think that with current gender equality movements under-representing men's issues, the MRA's are necessary. Once most of the major issues are sorted though I see most people moving on to a more egalitarian-based movement or leaving altogether.

Alternatively... they could become the male version of modern feminism.

[–]JakeDDrake 6 ポイント7 ポイント

So they're stuck in their own arrogance and cynicism, in other words.

[–]joe_bruised_ego 2 ポイント3 ポイント

If you check our sidebar we have a tag for MensRights posts. The big difference is we recognise nobody’s going to give us our rights because they empathise with our suffering. Men are going to have to take their rights.

[–]Crackerjacksurgeon 0 ポイント1 ポイント

Not so much opposed as indifferent. TRP sees the social changes happening as inevitable and chooses to adapt rather than to fruitlessly fight the system.

[–]baskandpurr 0 ポイント1 ポイント

TRP is scared of the fight, they don't have a strong enough self-identity or the mental strength for it. So they they say "That pointless" and devote themselves to worshiping the vag. TRP: Because toeing the line is easier.

[–]Crackerjacksurgeon 1 ポイント2 ポイント

worshiping the vag


[–]Kyro540 1 ポイント2 ポイント

TRP doesn't worship the vag. Redpillers focus on improving themselves first (lift, read, etc), and then the vag follows.

A point is made in TRP to remove woman from their "pussy pedestal" of inconsequential living.

I read TRP and MRM for different reasons, although there is some overlap in philosophies and reposts. The Cracked article was complete trash. It would be great if the two communities could distance themselves.

[–]Combative_Douche 10 ポイント11 ポイント

digging into the worst depths of tumblr to comment on modern feminism as it's presented in academia.

People from this subreddit do exactly that ALL THE TIME.

[–]thepizzapeople 15 ポイント16 ポイント

And are regularly called out and downvoted for it.

[–]happythoughts413 0 ポイント1 ポイント

And that's why you're going to see so many angry comments about how "this doesn't apply to all men's rights groups!" People are going to say that the Red Pill is a fringe part of the movement, or that PUAHate, the forum UCSB shooter Elliot Rodger belonged to, doesn't really understand what men's rights is about. But the problem is that every men's rights faction thinks that everyone else is a fringe part of the movement.