I’m so disgusted
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- parttimewoman reblogged this from whitemormonmale and added:
MFW that man came out of a woman’s va-jay-jay, and your point is no longer valid.
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- an-internet-imbecile reblogged this from thisisbullstuff and added:
"Men shouldn’t be allowed to have Tumblr accounts…" what the fuck? Isn’t that sexist? Tumblr isn’t about feminism,...
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- harlequinsthrashingtheremins reblogged this from nightbringer24 and added:
"EVERY SPACE SHOULD BE SAFE!!!" the tumblr feminist shouts as she marches proudly into a minefield
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- thekawaiiestvorlon reblogged this from nightbringer24 and added:
Wasn’t tumblr made my a man? Yes. Yes it was.
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- troyenatural reblogged this from thisisbullstuff and added:
with the first two people… I don’t even know what to say. You are basically saying that if you are an LGBT community...
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