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Dear “Not All Men” douchebros



Unless and until ALL WOMEN NEVER EXPERIENCE ANY kind of sexism, misogyny, harassment, assault, violence, rape etc at the hands of men EVER AGAIN, then you’re whiny-ass “but not all men are like that” bullshit is not valid. You don’t like other men ruining it for the good guys? Then fucking deal with the assholes who are ruining your reputation, not the victims of the assholes.

Not all chefs make horrible tasting food. But if you’re a chef who makes good food, it’s on you to stop other chefs from making bad food to save your own reputation.

Tumbr Feminist logic at its finest.

you are literally comparing the oppression and violence that women face to food at a restaurant…. to INANIMATE OBJECTS. 

Are you for serious???

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via Thinking Man's Transfer Station
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    hurrdurrhurrdurr feminism
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  7. bellaroi reblogged this from stfueverything and added:
    Basically exactly like every conversation I’ve tried to have with men about rape and sexism, ever.
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    Why are you making the assumption that ALL MEN are rapists waiting to happen? Just because a minority of men have...
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