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[–]Das_Mime 3 ポイント4 ポイント

Clearly you know better than any psychologist, because you have something they don't: a heady mixture of ignorance and overconfidence.

[–]anonymous173 -6 ポイント-5 ポイント

Mendeleev knew better than alchemists. Funny thing, nobody thinks much of an academic field that hasn't gotten anywhere in hundreds of years. Yet still people semi-respect psychology. Well, idiots do. Some of them. Well, you do. I'll say this for psychology, it has several times the success rate of voodoo or even shamanism.

Hey, you're stupid so you think in proverbs. Riddle me this:

  • blind leading the blind
  • blind men and the elephant


  • creative genius

you DO know that these individual people called "creative geniuses* exist, don't you? You aren't quite THAT ignorant and retarded, are you? To egotistically and narcissistically believe that you'll never run into people whose intellect so eclipses yours that you might as well be a midge looked upon by an elephant?

[–]Das_Mime 6 ポイント7 ポイント

you DO know that these individual people called "creative geniuses* exist, don't you?

Yeah, and ostentatiousox is not one of them. Neither are you.