I wonder if I made a post that said something…
you’re such a miserable copycat.
first i call you mallcore, then you say i look like hot topic
then i say you’re sending me anons, and now you say ‘you’re sneding yourself anons do ho ho”
Is there an original thought left in your head?
you won’t argue with me because I want you dead?
talk about back-pedalling mr you have no argument.
yeah you and everyone like you can drop dead and i won’t bat an eyelash, what of it?
bobbyis reblogged this from factualwiley
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Dude, how do you even find these nutbags? You could probably set up a damn psych ward with half the people who pass...
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factualwiley reblogged this from vivianvivisection and added:
See, you’re assuming I knew what “Mallcore” is or what it means. I ignored that and put off to another Tumblr thing....
vivianvivisection reblogged this from factualwiley and added:
you’re such a miserable copycat. first i call you mallcore, then you say i look like hot topic then i say you’re sending...
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afeedfromcloudmountain reblogged this from vivianvivisection and added:
holy shit you are cancer
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bookthrower reblogged this from factualwiley and added:
Well, some chick told me about a week ago that women use terms like “girl gamer” to protect themselves inside the...
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blacktionbronson reblogged this from factualwiley and added:
I’m highly offended that fuckboy has been appropriated.
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kektoppings reblogged this from factualwiley and added:
Isn’t that basically what bronies are
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