hatred of men should be encouraged regardless of whether the men in question are cis men or trans men
all men are misogynistic, transmisogynistic pieces of crap & dont you ever forget it
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squalll reblogged this from transmisandricfawn and added:
Only if you don’t let it consume you. Unchanneled hatred is destructive and unnecessary. If used constructively, it can...
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hedgeworth reblogged this from hardestcopy and added:
No, we’re not @transmisandricfawn and you are just as bad as the MRAs preaching the hate of women and the support of...
hardestcopy reblogged this from transmisandricfawn and added:
"It’s ok to be transphobic if they’re trans men!"
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its ok to hate people who have oppressed you
kaz-the-rap-wizard reblogged this from transmisandricfawn and added:
stop spreading your destructive and hateful ideology, please for humanity’s sake just stop. you are promoting hatred.
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