情報系主要国際会議2013のチュートリアルまとめ1: 機械学習、データマイニング、人工知能
学会に参加してチュートリアルを受けなくても、多くの場合はその内容を知ることができます。その概要は必ず会議のプログラムに掲載されますし、発表者がスライドを Web にアップロードすることも多く、発表の様子がビデオ配信されることもあります。
- 機械学習
- NIPS 2013
- Deep Learning for Computer Vision [abstract] [slide]
- Causes and Counterfactuals: Concepts, Principles and Tools [abstract] [slide]
- Deep Mathematical Properties of Submodularity with Applications to Machine Learning [abstract] [slide]
- Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) [abstract] [slide]
- Mechanisms Underlying Visual Object Recognition: Humans vs. Neurons vs. Machines [abstract]
- Learning to Interact [abstract] [slide]
- ICML 2013
Submodularity in Machine Learning: New Directions [abstract] [slide1] [slide2]
- Deep Learning [slide]
- Tensor Decomposition Algorithms for Latent Variable Model Estimation [abstract] [slide1] [slide2] [slide3]
- Multi-Target Prediction [abstract] [slide1] [slide2] [slide3]
- Topological Data Analysis [abstract] [slide]
- Discovering Multiple Clustering Solutions: Grouping Objects in Different Views of Data [abstract] [slide]
- Copulas in Machine Learning [abstract]
- Music Information Research Based on Machine Learning [abstract] [slide]
- COLT 2013
- ECML/PKDD 2013
- ACML 2013
- NIPS 2013
- データマイニング
- KDD 2013
- Algorithmic techniques for modeling and mining large graphs (AMAzING) [abstract] [slide]
- Mining Data from Mobile Devices: A Survey of Smart Sensing and Analytics [abstract] [slide]
- Big Data Analytics for Healthcare [abstract] [slide1] [slide2] [slide3]
- Entity Resolution for Big Data [abstract] [slide]
- Network Sampling [abstract] [slide]
- The Dataminer’s Guide to Scalable Mixed-Membership and Nonparametric Bayesian Models [abstract]
- ICDM 2013
- Methods and Applications of Network Sampling [abstract]
- Applied Matrix Analytics: Recent Advance and Case Studies [abstract]
- Social Media Mining: Fundamental Issues and Challenges [abstract] [slide]
- KDD 2013
- 人工知能
- AAAI 2013
- Combining Logic and Probability: Languages, Algorithms, and Applications [abstract] [slide1] [slide2]
- Decision Diagrams for Discrete Optimization [abstract] [slide]
- Game Theory for Security [abstract]
- Sentiment Mining from User Generated Content [abstract]
- Deep Learning of Representation [abstract] [slide]
- Prediction, Belief, and Markets [abstract] [slide]
- Symbolic Methods for Probabilistic Inference, Optimization, and Decision-Making [abstract] [slide1] [slide2]
- Textual Entailment [abstract] [slide]
- Answer Set Solving in Practice [abstract]
- From Bandits to Monte-Carlo Tree Search: The Optimistic Principle Applied to Games, Optimization, and Planning [abstract] [slide]
- Information Trustworthiness [abstract]
- Maximum Satisfiability and Extensions [abstract]
- Automatically Improving Empirical Performance: Algorithm Configuration and Selection [abstract]
- Equilibrium Computation [abstract]
- Moving Agents in a Graph [abstract] [slide]
- Semantic Web Rules: Fundamentals, Applications, and Standards [abstract] [slide]
- IJCAI 2013
- Knowledge representation for game theory [abstract]
- AI-Driven Analytics In Traffic Management [abstract] [slide]
- Formal Concept Analysis and Beyond [abstract] [slide]
- Belief Revision: From 1985 to 2013 [abstract] [slide]
- SAT in AI: high performance search methods with applications [abstract] [slide]
- Human-Machine-Nature Symbiosis [abstract] [slide1] [slide2] [slide3]
- Formal Methods for Event Processing [abstract] [slide]
- Endowing Machines with WebSense [abstract]
- Advances in Algorithm Selection and Configuration for Constraint Solving and Satisfiability [abstract] [slide]
- Behavior Informatics: Modeling, Analysis and Mining of Complex Behaviors [abstract] [slide]
- Answer Set Solving in Practice [abstract] [slide]
- Computational Social Choice [abstract] [slide]
- Programming by Optimization: A Practical Paradigm for Computer-Aided Algorithm Design [abstract] [slide]
- Transfer Learning with Applications [abstract] [slide1] [slide2] [slide3] [slide4]
- Recommender Systems [abstract] [slide]
- Constraint processing and Probabilistic reasoning from a Graphical Models Perspective [abstract] [slide]
- Bayesian networks with imprecise probabilities: theory and applications to knowledge-based systems and classification [abstract] [slide1] [slide2] [slide3]
- Large-scale Non-linear Classification: Algorithms and Evaluations [abstract] [slide]
- Structural Decomposition Methods and Islands of Tractability for NP-hard Problems [abstract] [slide]
- Topics in Computational Sustainability [abstract]
- An Introduction on Evolutionary Optimization: Recent Theoretical and Practical Advances [abstract] [slide1] [slide2] [slide3]
- A Tutorial on Optimal Algorithms for Learning Bayesian Networks [abstract] [slide]
- AI Planning: Reasoning with Transition Systems [abstract] [slide]
- Sentiment Mining from User Generated Content [abstract] [slide]
- AISTATS 2013
- UAI 2013
- AAAI 2013