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Hi everyone, my name is Alice/Jasper.
plu/plur/plurself pronouns please!
I live somewhere in the USA, but I want to someday live in space, where I belong.
I can dream, can't I?
This blog will be filled with dreams.
I hope you all enjoy.
I may also reblog anime, music, art, and other things.
spacebarspacebar asked: I'm incredibly curious about your devotion to the idea that you are Pluto. I don't discredit your feelings whatsoever but can I ask what you mean? Can you describe how you *know* this? Again just fascinated.

It’s kind of hard to explain ●︿● But it’s like when I see, or hear about, or even read about Pluto, I just know. Like I see a picture of Pluto and I think “That’s me! ◕3◕” same for when someone talks about Pluto, I just feel it inside me that they’re talking about me. Before I realised I was Pluto I always felt like… idk, a sense of “wrong,” like I had no idea who I was, but when I finally realised it, it was like everything clicked. Everything about me and everything I felt just finally made since! I was Pluto! I did actually consider different planets at first, but Pluto was the only one that resonated so strongly with me. I feel an extremely deep connection with Pluto, that goes far past the feeling of admiration or wonder. It’s the feeling of “this is what I’m supposed to be. This is who I really am.” I hope that makes since (✖﹏✖) I’m sorry if it doesn’t. I have a really hard time putting my thoughts and feelings into words.