The Flaming Homersexual

I describe myself as an amateur professional, aimlessly bounding my way down the large intestine of life, hoping to make a big splash along the way :D

Get to know me. It might not kill you!  'What do I do?' You ask? Oh. You didn't? Well I'll tell you anyway   Here Be Questions  

The problem with a lot of ‘sjws’ on tumblr is actually derived of a greater human strength; that is, the ability to believe in things. Often this ability is put to use in a positive manner, i.e. charity, hospitality, teaching, etc. They are occasionally used negatively, often when the belief becomes fanatic. The common thing most people’s beliefs have, be they religious, ethical or otherwise, is that the works derived from those values are projected outwards. 

The problem with sjws is that they project their belief inwards. They see real examples of injustice in the world, whether they’re big or small, and try to find some way, any way, to include themselves in that group and then claim to be ‘oppressed’ by some invisible, malevolent force. As time goes on they begin to lose sight of the real world. All they can see is the world they construct around them and what goes on or what they fabricate within it. This does them more harm then good as they believe their world to be the true, just world and when confronted with the real world, where they aren’t as bad off as they like to think, they retreat further into their fabrications. There can be no reasoning with these because of that fact. Their determination in their belief of victim-hood becomes so strong that the more reason is presented to them, the more their false world will block it out.

If you want sjws to come to their senses you must treat them as a child throwing a tantrum. Don’t acknowledge them. Don’t argue with them. Just let them come out of it in their own time, when they’re ready to face the reality of their falsehoods and hypocrisy.