








if cis gays could just stop putting blunt objects up their assholes to sean cody videos for a few seconds and listen to what trans people have to say it would be so much better for us like

cis gays have the rights they have bc of trans women of color like trans people ride HARD…

you look like a baked potato lol

Remember the time when tone policing. -__- trans people are shit on so much, and it’s not homophobic if you’re srsly pointing out faults. The first bit leads into the rest of it, sit tf down.

lmao tone police my ass. idgaf about your Tumblr buzzwords, get into the real world. If you say something offensive you should be prepared to get called out on it. just because trans people get ‘shit on so much’ doesn’t mean they don’t have to consider the way they talk about other (disenfranchised) people or try to make a point. 

…if a trans person is pointing this shit out, the issue should be addressed as opposed to people being pissbabies and trying to quiet the person calling shit as they see it.
I know that a lot if cis people—be they hetero, gay, bi, whatev—shit on trans people. Being hetero-cis, I do not get upset, or take it personally. I, like a mature adult, attempt to meliorate the social stigma attached to trans people. I point out misconceptions, tell bigots to shut up, and move on.
Stop whining, and maybe try to recognize the real problem, and this wouldn’t be a thing. Furthermore, don’t allude to real terms being “tumblr jargon,” because you make yourself sound like an ignoramus.

I can tell you’re serious now because you’ve started using big words like ameliorate and ignoramus. First of all, ‘tone policing’ is NOT a real term. It was made up by Tumblr because most of you can only argue in overdramatic, hyperbolic ways and you needed a term that could describe the people that challenged you on your bullshit. Tone policing was born. It’s not a real fucking thing. 

I, like a mature adult, attempt to meliorate the social stigma attached to trans people (…) if a trans person is pointing this shit out, the issue should be addressed as opposed

I recall you being very mature when told me to “sit tf down”? You’re not helping the trans community by treating them like fine china and letting them get away with nonsense just because they’re trans and because they are the ones dealing with the issue. The fact that somebody is trans doesn’t excuse them from being a dick to other people or entire groups of people, least of all the gay community, who are most likely to be sympathetic to their cause in the first fucking place.

If anybody was whining in this case it’s you and whoever made that first godawful text post. If you want to be treated like an adult, start acting like one. But hey, if you want to sit around and jerk each other off in this pathetic echo chamber of self-pity and intolerance to anyone who is slightly different from you, be my guest. 

First, a made-up term is “pissbaby,” which is what you are. Second, you did not comprehend anything that I said, clearly. That’s likely why you’re crying over the original post, because you apparently can’t comprehend anything.
If seeing that trans people are human beings, and that retaliatory remarks happen after being oppressed = “treating them like fine china,” or whatev, clearly you don’t treat anyone right, ever.
Be a crybaby, whine in ignorance, whatev, idgaf.

clearly you don’t treat anyone right, ever.

I legit laughed out loud at this. Ever thought of jumping to conclusions for a living?

This was bound to happen. You’re out of arguments and now you’re reverting to a previous post, It’s okay, I’ve wasted enough time here and you’re obviously tired. Goodnight.

>quotes nonsensical argument to prove a crybaby is dumb
>told “reverting to a previous post,” as if irrelevant
So very done—begone, pissbaby!

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    >quotes nonsensical argument to prove a crybaby is dumb >told “reverting to a previous post,” as if irrelevant So very...
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    “clearly you don’t treat anyone right, ever.” I legit laughed out loud at this. Ever thought of jumping to conclusions...
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