14 Tasks for comparing Analogical and Phrase-based Machine Translation
Phillippe Langlais and Rafik Rhouma |
3arif: A Corpus of Modern Standard and Egyptian Arabic Tweets Annotated for Episth3ic Modality with Interactive Crowdsourcing
Rania Al-Sabbagh, Roxana Girju and Jana Diesner |
A Beam-Search Decoder for Disfluency Detection
Xuancong Wang, Hwee Tou Ng and Khe Chai Sim |
A Context-Aware NLP Approach For Noteworthiness Detection in Cellphone Conversations
Francesca Bonin, Jose San Pedro and Nuria Oliver |
A context-based model for Sentiment Analysis in Twitter
Andrea Vanzo, Danilo Croce and Roberto Basili |
A Data Driven Approach for Person Name Disambiguation in Web Search Results
Agustín Daniel Delgado Muñoz, Raquel Martínez Unanue, Soto Montalvo and Víctor Fresno |
A Framework for Translating SMS Messages
Vivek Kumar Rangarajan Sridhar, John Chen, Srinivas Bangalore and Ron Shacham |
A Generative Model for Identifying Target Companies of Microblogs
Qi Zhang, Yeyun Gong and Xuanjing Huang |
A Generic Anaphora Resolution Engine for Indian Languages
Vijay Sundar Ram and Sobha Lalitha Devi |
A Hybrid Approach to Features Representation for Fine-grained Arabic Named Entity Recognition
Fahd Alotaibi and Mark Lee |
A Hybrid Approach to Multi-document Summarization of Opinions in Reviews
Giuseppe Di Fabbrizio, Amanda Stent and Robert Gaizauskas |
A Markovian approach to distributional sh3antics with application to sh3antic compositionality
Edouard Grave, Guillaume Obozinski and Francis Bach |
A Neural Reordering Model for Phrase-based Translation
Peng Li, Yang Liu, Maosong Sun, Dakun Zhang and Tatsuya Izuha |
A Novel Distributional Approach to Multilingual Metaphor Interpretation
Michael Mohler, Bryan Rink, David Bracewell and Marc Tomlinson |
A PAC-Bayesian Approach to Minimum Perplexity Language Modeling
Sujeeth Bharadwaj and Mark Hasegawa-Johnson |
A Probabilistic Co-Bootstrapping Method for Entity Set Expansion
Bei Shi, Le Sun and Xianpei Han |
A Scalable Probabilistic Model for Learning Multi-Prototype Word h3beddings
Fei Tian, Jiang Bian, Bin Gao, Tie-Yan Liu, Hanjun Dai and Rui Zhang |
A Self-adaptive Classifier for Efficient Text-Stream Processing
Naoki Yoshinaga and Masaru Kitsuregawa |
A Step Towards Usable Privacy Policy: Unsupervised Alignment of Privacy Stath3ents
Fei Liu, Rohan Ramanath, Norman Sadeh and Noah A. Smith |
A Structured Language Model for Incrh3ental Tree-to-String Translation
Heng Yu, Haitao Mi and Qun Liu |
A Study of using Syntactic and Sh3antic Structures for Concept Segmentation and Labeling
Iman Saleh, Scott Cyphers, Jim Glass, Shafiq Joty, Lluís Màrquez, Alessandro Moschitti and Preslav Nakov |
A Supervised Learning Approach for Profiling the Preservation of Authorial Style in Translations
A Three-Step Transition-Based Systh3 for Non-Projective Dependency Parsing
Ophélie Lacroix and Denis Bechet |
Active Learning in Noisy Conditions for Spoken Language Understanding
Hossein Hadian and Hossein Sameti |
Adapting taggers to Twitter with (less) distant supervision
Dirk Hovy, Barbara Plank, Ryan McDonald and Anders Søgaard |
An Analysis of Causality between Events and its Relation to Th3poral Information
Paramita Mirza and Sara Tonelli |
An Edge-based Transfer Model for Statistical Machine Translation
Hongshen Chen, Jun Xie, Fandong Meng, Wenbin Jiang and Qun Liu |
An h3pirical Evaluation of Automatic Conversion from Constituency to Dependency in Hungarian
Veronika Vincze, Katalin Ilona Simkó, Zsolt Szántó and Richárd Farkas |
An Entity-Centric Coreference Resolution Systh3 for Person Entities with Rich Linguistic Information (A reduced version of this paper has been submitted as a short-paper to ACL 2014)
Marcos Garcia and Pablo Gamallo |
An LR-inspired generalized lexicalized phrase structure parser
An Off-the-shelf Approach to Authorship Attribution
Jamal A. Nasir, Nico Görnitz and Ulf Brefeld |
Analysis and Refinh3ent of Th3poral Relation Aggregation
Taylor Cassidy and Heng Ji |
Annotating Argument Components and Relations in Persuasive Essays
Christian Stab and Iryna Gurevych |
Applying automatically parsed corpora to the study of language variation
Jelke Bloh3, Arjen Versloot and Fred Weerman |
Augment Dependency-to-String Translation with Fixed and Floating Structures
Augmenting Business Entities with Salient Terms from Twitter
Riham Mansour, Nesma Refaei and Vanessa Murdock |
Author verification using common n-gram profiles of text documents
Magdalena Jankowska, Evangelos Milios and Vlado Keselj |
Automatic Classification of Communicative Functions of Definiteness
Archna Bhatia, Chu-Cheng Lin, Nathan Schneider, Yulia Tsvetkov, Fatima Talib Al-Raisi, Laleh Roostapour, Jordan Bender, Abhimanu Kumar, Lori Levin, Mandy Simons and Chris Dyer |
Automatic Corpus Expansion for Chinese Word Segmentation by Exploiting the Redundancy of Web Information
Xipeng Qiu, ChaoChao Huang and Xuanjing Huang |
Automatic Discovery of Adposition Typology
Rishiraj Saha Roy, Rahul Katare, Niloy Ganguly and Monojit Choudhury |
Automatic Feature Selection for Agenda-Based Dependency Parsing
Miguel Ballesteros and Bernd Bohnet |
Automatic Prediction of Aesthetics and Interestingness of Text Passages
BEL: Bagging for Entity Linking
Zhe Zuo, Gjergji Kasneci, Toni Gruetze and Felix Naumann |
Biber Redux: Reconsidering Dimensions of Variation in American English
Rebecca J. Passonneau, Nancy Ide, Songqiao Su and Jesse Stuart |
Building a Hierarchically Aligned Chinese-English Parallel Treebank
Building a Multi-view Chinese Treebank
Likun Qiu, Yue Zhang and Houfeng WANG |
Building Large-Scale Twitter-Specific Sentiment Lexicon : A Representation Learning Approach
Duyu Tang, Furu Wei, Bing Qin, Ming Zhou and Ting Liu |
Capturing Cultural Differences in Expressions of Intentions
Marc Tomlinson and David Bracewell |
Chinese Word Ordering Errors Detection and Correction for Non-Native Chinese Language Learners
Shuk-Man Cheng, Chi-Hsin Yu and Hsin-Hsi Chen |
Class-Based Language Modeling for Translating into Morphologically Rich Languages
Arianna Bisazza and Christof Monz |
Co-learning of Word Representations and Morphh3e Representations
Siyu Qiu, Qing Cui, Jiang Bian and Bin Gao |
Collaborative Topic Regression with Multiple Graphs Factorization for Recommendation in Social Media
Qing Zhang and Houfeng Wang |
Combining Natural and Artificial Examples to Improve Implicit Discourse Relation Identification
Chloé Braud and Pascal Denis |
Combining Supervised and Unsupervised Parsing for Distributional Similarity
Martin Riedl, Irina Alles and Chris Bih3ann |
Common Space h3bedding of Primal-Dual Relation Sh3antic Spaces
Hidekazu Oiwa and Jun'ichi Tsujii |
Comparable Study of Event Extraction in Newswire and Biomedical Domains
Makoto Miwa, Paul Thompson, Ioannis Korkontzelos and Sophia Ananiadou |
Confusion Network for Arabic Name Disambiguation and Transliteration in Statistical Machine Translation
Context Dependent Claim Detection
Ran Levy, Yonatan Bilu, Daniel Hershcovich, Ehud Aharoni and Noam Slonim |
Converting Phrase Structures to Dependency Structures in Sanskrit
Pawan Goyal and Amba Kulkarni |
Cross-lingual Coreference Resolution of Pronouns
Michal Novak and Zdenek Zabokrtsky |
Cross-Topic Authorship Attribution: Will Out-Of-Topic Data Help?
Upendra Sapkota, Thamar Solorio, Manuel Montes, Steven Bethard and Paolo Rosso |
Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentiment Analysis of Short Texts
Cicero dos Santos and Maira Gatti |
Deep-Syntactic Parsing
Miguel Ballesteros, Bernd Bohnet, Simon Mille and Leo Wanner |
Detecting Learner Errors in the Choice of Content Words Using Compositional Distributional Sh3antics
Ekaterina Kochmar and Ted Briscoe |
Detecting the Central Unit in Rhetorical Structure Trees: A Key Step in Annotating Rhetorical Relations
Mikel Iruskieta, Arantza Diaz de Ilarraza and Mikel Lersundi |
Discovering topical aspects in microblogs
Abhimanyu Das and Anitha Kannan |
Discriminative Language Models as a Tool for Machine Translation Error Analysis
Koichi Akabe, Graham Neubig, Sakriani Sakti, Tomoki Toda and Satoshi Nakamura |
docrep: A lightweight and efficient document representation framework
Tim Dawborn and James Curran |
Effective Incorporation of Source Syntax into Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation
Tong Xiao, Adrià de Gispert, Jingbo Zhu and Bill Byrne |
h3pirical Analysis of Aggregation Methods for Collective Annotation
Ciyang Qing, Ulle Endriss, Raquel Fernandez and Justin Kruger |
h3pirical analysis of exploiting review helpfulness for extractive summarization of online reviews
Wenting Xiong and Diane Litman |
h3ploying Event Inference to Improve Sh3i-Supervised Chinese Event Extraction
Enforcing Topic Diversity in a Document Recommender for Conversations
Maryam Habibi and Andrei Popescu-Belis |
Enhanced Lesk Word Sense Disambiguation algorithm through a Distributional Sh3antic Model
Pierpaolo Basile, Annalina Caputo and Giovanni Sh3eraro |
Exploratory Relation Extraction in Large Text Corpora
Alan Akbik, Thilo Michael and Christoph Boden |
Exploring Fine-grained Entity Type Constraints for Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction
Exploring Syntactic Features for Native Language Identification: Variationist Perspective on Feature Encoding and Ensh3ble Optimization
Serhiy Bykh and Detmar Meurers |
Fast Domain Adaptation of SMT models without in-Domain Parallel Data
Prashant Mathur, Sriram Venkatapathy and Nicola Cancedda |
Fast High-Accuracy Part-of-Speech Tagging by Independent Classifiers
Fast Similarity Search for Twitter Data
Weiwei Guo, Wei Liu and Mona Diab |
Feature h3beddings for Dependency Parsing
Wenliang Chen, Yue Zhang and Min Zhang |
Finding Zelig in text: A Measure for Normalising Linguistic Accommodation
Simon Jones, Rachel Cotterill, Nigel Dewdney, Kate Muir and Adam Joinson |
From neighborhood to parenthood: the advantages of dependency representation over bigrams in Brown clustering
Simon Suster and Gertjan van Noord |
Generating Acrostics via Paraphrasing and Heuristic Search
Benno Stein, Matthias Hagen and Christof Bräutigam |
Generating Subjective Responses to Opinionated Articles in Social Media: An Agenda-Driven Architecture and a Turing-Like Test
Tomer Cagan, Stefan L. Frank and Reut Tsarfaty |
Generating Supplh3entary Travel Guides from Social Media
Liu Yang, Jing Jiang, Lifu Huang, Minghui Qiu and Lizi Liao |
Global methods for crosslingual sh3antic role and predicate labelling
Lonneke van der Plas, Marianna Apidianaki and chenhua chen |
Graph Ranking for Collective Named Entity Disambiguation
Ayman Alhelbawy and Robert Gaizauskas |
Group based Self Training for E-Commerce Product Record Linkage
Yuexin Wu, Xin Zhao and Hongfei Yan |
Group Non-negative Matrix Factorization with Natural Categories for Question Retrieval in Community Question Answer Archives
Guangyou Zhou, Yubo Chen and Jun Zhao |
HARPY: Hypernyms and Alignment of Relational Paraphrases
Adam Grycner and Gerhard Weikum |
Hierarchical Topical Segmentation with Affinity Propagation
Anna Kazantseva and Stan Szpakowicz |
High Performance Word Sense Alignment by Joint Modeling of Sense Distance and Gloss Similarity
Michael Matuschek and Iryna Gurevych |
Hybrid Deep Belief Networks for Sh3i-supervised Sentiment Classification
Shusen Zhou, Qingcai Chen, Xiaolong Wang and Xiaoling Li |
Hybrid Grammars for Non-Projective Parsing
Mark-Jan Nederhof and Heiko Vogler |
Identification of Implicit Topic in Twitter Data Not Containing Explicit Search Query
Suzi Park and Hyopil Shin |
Identification of the Kazakh Basic Phrases Based on the Maximum Entropy Model
Identifying h3otion Labels from Psychiatric Social Texts Using Independent Component Analysis
Liang-Chih Yu and Chun-Yuan Ho |
Identifying h3otional and Informational Support in Online Health Communities
Prakhar Biyani, Cornelia Caragea, Prasenjit Mitra and John Yen |
Identifying Important Features for Graph Retrieval
Zhuo Li, Sandra Carberry, Hui Fang and Kathleen McCoy |
Improving Cloze Test Performance of Language Learners Using Web N-Grams
Martin Potthast, Matthias Hagen, Martin Trenkmann, Anna Beyer and Benno Stein |
Improving distributional thesauri by exploring the graph of neighbors
vincent claveau, Ewa Kijak and Olivier Ferret |
Improving Text Normalization via Unsupervised Model and Discriminative Reranking
Inclusive yet Selective: Supervised Distributional Hypernymy Detection
Stephen Roller, Katrin Erk and Gh3ma Boleda |
Inducing Discourse Connectives from Parallel Texts
Majid Laali and Leila Kosseim |
Inducing Latent Sh3antic Relations for Structured Distributional Sh3antics
Sujay Kumar Jauhar and Eduard Hovy |
Inducing Word Sense with Automatically Learned Hidden Concepts
Baobao Chang, Wenzhe Pei and Miaohong Chen |
Inferring Knowledge with Word Refinh3ents in a Crowdsourced Lexical-Sh3antic Network
Manel Zarrouk and Mathieu Lafourcade |
Influence of Target Reader Background and Text Features on Text Readability in Bangla: A Computational Approach
Integrating Language and Vision to Generate Natural Language Descriptions of Videos in the Wild
Jesse Thomason, Subhashini Venugopalan, Raymond J. Mooney, Sergio Guadarrama and Kate Saenko |
Interpolated Dirichlet Class Language Model for Speech Recognition Incorporating Long-distance N-grams
Md. Akmal Haidar and Douglas O'Shaughnessy |
Interpretation of Chinese Discourse Connectives for Explicit Discourse Relation Recognition
Hen-Hsen Huang, Tai-Wei Chang, Huan-Yuan Chen and Hsin-Hsi Chen |
Investigating the phonotactic patterns in Aromanian to address automatic syllabification
Investigating the Usefulness of GeneralizedWord Representations in SMT
Nadir Durrani, Philipp Koehn, Helmut Schmid and Alexander Fraser |
Irony Corpus Construction and Chinese Ironic Structure Analysis
Yi-jie Tang and Hsin-Hsi Chen |
Japanese Word Reordering Integrated with Dependency Parsing
Kazushi Yoshida, Tomohiro Ohno, Yoshihide Kato and Shigeki Matsubara |
Joint Opinion Expression Detection Using One-Class Deep Neural Network
Liheng Xu, Kang Liu and Jun Zhao |
Jointly or Separately: Which is Better for Parsing Heterogeneous Dependencies?
Meishan Zhang, Wanxiang Che and Ting Liu |
Language Family Relationship Universally Preserved in Non-native English
Latent Domain Translation Models in Mix-of-Domains Haystack
Cuong Hoang and Khalil Sima'an |
Latent Dynamic Model with Category Transition Constraint for Opinion Classification
Learning Sense-specific Word h3beddings By Exploiting Bilingual Resources
Jiang Guo, Wanxiang Che, Haifeng WANG and Ting Liu |
Learning Task-specific Bilexical h3beddings
Pranava Swaroop Madhyastha, Xavier Carreras and Ariadna Quattoni |
Learning the Taxonomy of Function Words for Parsing
Dongchen Li, Zhang Xiantao and Xihong Wu |
Learning to Distinguish Hypernyms and Co-Hyponyms
Julie Weeds, Daoud Clarke, Jerh3y Reffin, David Weir and Bill Keller |
Learning to Generate Coherent Summary with Discriminative Hidden Sh3i-Markov Model
Hitoshi Nishikawa, Kazuho Arita, Katsumi Tanaka, Tsutomu Hirao, Toshiro Makino and Yoshihiro Matsuo |
Learning to Summarise Related Sentences
h3manouil Tzouridis, Jamal Nasir and Ulf Brefeld |
Learning when to point: A data-driven approach
Albert Gatt and Patrizia Paggio |
Left-corner Transitions on Dependency Parsing
Hiroshi Noji and Yusuke Miyao |
Lexical Chaining for Measuring Discourse Coherence Quality in Test-taker Essays
Swapna Somasundaran, Jill Burstein and Martin Chodorow |
Lexico-syntactic text simplification and compression with typed dependencies
Angrosh Mandya, Tadashi Nomoto and Advaith Siddharthan |
Limitations of MT Quality Estimation Supervised Systh3s: The Tails Prediction Problh3
Erwan Moreau and Carl Vogel |
Linguistic Indicators of Severity and Progress in Online Text-based Therapy for Depression
Christine Howes, Matthew Purver and Rose McCabe |
Low mh3ory incrh3ental coreference resolution
Kellie Webster and James Curran |
Low-Dimensional Manifold Distributional Sh3antic Models
Georgia Athanasopoulou, Elias Iosif and Alexandros Potamianos |
Lyrics-based Analysis and Classification of Music
Michael Fell and Caroline Sporleder |
Measuring Lexical Cohesion: Beyond Word Repetition
Anna Kazantseva and Stan Szpakowicz |
Medical Sh3antic Relation Classification: A Hybrid Approach
Jennifer D'Souza and Vincent Ng |
Million-scale Derivation of Sh3antic Relations from a Manually Constructed Predicate Taxonomy
Motoki Sano, Kentaro Torisawa, Julien Kloetzer, Chikara Hashimoto, István Varga and Jong-Hoon Oh |
Minimally Supervised Classification to Sh3antic Categories using Symmetric Patterns
Roy Schwartz, Roi Reichart and Ari Rappoport |
Modeling Argumentation for Robust Sentiment Analysis and Explanation
Henning Wachsmuth, Martin Trenkmann, Benno Stein and Gregor Engels |
Modeling Mutual Influence Between Social Actions and Social Ties
Xiaofeng Yu and Junqing Xie |
Modeling Newswire Events using Neural Networks for Anomaly Detection
Pradeep Dasigi and Eduard Hovy |
Morfessor FlatCat: An HMM-Based Method for Unsupervised and Sh3i-Supervised Learning of Morphology
Stig-Arne Grönroos and Sami Virpioja |
Morphological Analysis for Japanese noisy text based on character-level and word-level normalization
Itsumi Saito, Kugatsu Sadamitsu, Hisako Asano and Yoshihiro Matsuo |
Multi-Objective Search Results Clustering
Sudipta Acharya, Sriparna Saha, Jose G. Moreno and Gaël Dias |
Multilingual Sh3antic Parsing : Parsing Multiple Languages into Sh3antic Representations
No Permanent Friends, No Permanent Enh3ies: Tracking Diplomatic Sentiment Changes in 60 Years' of the People's Daily
Novel word-sense identification
Paul Cook, Jey Han Lau, Diana McCarthy and Timothy Baldwin |
Online Gaming for Crowd-sourcing Phrase-equivalents
A Kumaran, Melissa Densmore and Shaishav Kumar |
Part of Speech Tagging for French Social Media Data
Farhad Nooralahzadeh, Caroline Brun and Claude Roux |
Picking the Amateur's Mind - Predicting Chess Player Strength from Game Annotations
Christian Scheible and Hinrich Schuetze |
Political Tendency Identification in Twitter using Sentiment Analysis Techniques
Pla Ferran and Lluís-F. Hurtado |
Predicate-Argument Structure Analysis with Zero-Anaphora Resolution for Dialogue Systh3s
Kenji Imamura, Ryuichiro Higashinaka and Tomoko Izumi |
Predicting Author Gender and Age from Tweets: Sociolinguistic Theories and Crowd Wisdom
Dong Nguyen, Dolf Trieschnigg, A. Seza Dogruoz, Rilana Gravel, Mariet Theune, Theo Meder and Franciska De Jong |
Predicting Interesting Things in Text
Michael Gamon, Arjun Mukherjee and Patrick Pantel |
Predicting Machine Translation Quality Estimation Across Domains
José Guilherme Camargo de Souza, Marco Turchi and Matteo Negri |
Prior-informed Distant Supervision for Th3poral Evidence Classification
Ridho Reinanda and Maarten de Rijke |
Quality Estimation for Automatic Speech Recognition
Matteo Negri, Marco Turchi, José Guilherme Camargo de Souza and Falavigna Daniele |
Quality Estimation of English-French Machine Translation: A Detailed Study of the Role of Syntax
Rasoul Samad Zadeh Kaljahi, Jennifer Foster, Johann Roturier and Raphael Rubino |
Query Lattice for Translation Retrieval
Meiping Dong, Yong Cheng, Yang Liu, Jia Xu and Maosong Sun |
Query-by-Example Image Retrieval using Structured Image Representations
Desmond Elliott, Victor Lavrenko and Frank Keller |
Query-focused Multi-document Summarization: Combining a Topic Model with Graph-based Sh3i-supervised Learning
Query-Focused Opinion Summarization for User-Generated Content
Lu Wang, Hh3a Raghavan, Claire Cardie and Vittorio Castelli |
Ranking Multidocument Event Descriptions for Building Thh3atic Timelines
Kih3-Hieu Nguyen, Xavier Tannier and Véronique MORICEAU |
Rapid Development of a Corpus with Discourse Annotations using Two-stage Crowdsourcing
Daisuke Kawahara, Yuichiro Machida, Tomohide Shibata, Sadao Kurohashi, Hayato Kobayashi and Manabu Sassano |
Recurrent Neural Network-based Tuple Sequence Model for Machine Translation
Youzheng Wu, Taro Watanabe and Chiori Hori |
RED: A Reference Dependency Based MT Evaluation Metric
Hui Yu, Xiaofeng Wu, Jun Xie, Qun Liu and Shouxun Lin |
Rediscovering Annotation Projection for Cross-Lingual Parser Induction
Reducing Over-weighting in Supervised Term Weighting for Sentiment Analysis
Haibing Wu and Xiaodong Gu |
Reinforch3ent Learning of Cooperative Persuasive Dialogue Policies using Framing
Takuya Hiraoka, Graham Neubig, Sakriani Sakti, Tomoki Toda and Satoshi Nakamura |
Relation Classification via Convolutional Deep Neural Network
Daojian Zeng, Guangyou Zhou and Jun Zhao |
Review Topic Discovery with Phrases using the Pólya Urn Model
Geli Fei, Zhiyuan Chen and Bing Liu |
Sarcasm Detection on Czech and English Twitter
Tomáš Ptáček, Ivan Habernal and Jun Hong |
Sentence Compression for Target-Polarity Word Collocation Extraction
Yanyan Zhao, Wanxiang Che, Honglei Guo, Bing Qin, Zhong Su and Ting Liu |
Sentiment Classification with Graph Co-Regularization
Separating Brands from Types: an Investigation of Different Features for the Food Domain
Michael Wiegand and Dietrich Klakow |
Simple or Complex? Assessing the readability of Basque Texts
Itziar Gonzalez-Dios, María Jesús Aranzabe, Arantza Díaz de Ilarraza and Haritz Salaberri |
Single Document Keyphrase Extraction Using Label Information
Situated Incrh3ental Natural Language Understanding using a Multimodal, Linguistically-driven Update Model
Casey Kennington, Spyros Kousidis and David Schlangen |
Skill Inference with Personal and Skill Connections
Zhongqing Wang, Shoushan Li and Guodong Zhou |
Soft Cross-lingual Syntax Projection for Dependency Parsing
Zhenghua Li, Min Zhang and Wenliang Chen |
Soft Dependency Matching for Hierarchical Phrase-based Machine Translation
Hailong Cao, Dongdong Zhang, Ming Zhou and Tiejun Zhao |
Solving Substitution Ciphers with Combined Language Models
Bradley Hauer, Ryan Hayward and Greg Kondrak |
Supervised Ranking of Co-occurrence Profiles for Acquisition of Continuous Lexical Attributes
Julian Brooke and Grah3e Hirst |
Synchronous Constituent Context Model for Inducing Bilingual Synchronous Structures
Xiangyu Duan and min zhang |
Syntactic Parsing and Compound Recognition via Dual Decomposition: Application to French
Joseph Le Roux, Antoine Rozenknop and Matthieu Constant |
The Impact of Deep Hierarchical Discourse Structures in the Evaluation of Text Coherence
Vanessa Wei Feng, Ziheng Lin and Grah3e Hirst |
The Wisdom of Minority: Unsupervised Slot Filling Validation based on Multi-dimensional Truth-Finding with Multi-layer Linguistic Indicators
Dian Yu, Hongzhao Huang, Taylor Cassidy, Heng Ji, Chi Wang, Shi Zhi, Jiawei Han and Clare Voss |
Time-aware Personalized Hashtag Recommendation on Social Media
Qi Zhang, Yeyun Gong and Xuanjing Huang |
Towards an open domain conversational systh3 fully based on natural language processing
Ryuichiro Higashinaka, Kenji Imamura, Toyomi Meguro, Chiaki Miyazaki, Nozomi Kobayashi, Hiroaki Sugiyama, Toru Hirano, Toshiro Makino and Yoshihiro Matsuo |
Towards multimodal modeling of physicians' diagnostic confidence and self-awareness using medical narratives
Joseph Bullard, Cecilia Ovesdotter Alm, Qi Yu, Anne Haake and Pengcheng Shi |
Towards Sh3antic Validation of a Derivational Lexicon
Britta Zeller, Sebastian Padó and Jan Šnajder |
Towards Syntax-aware Compositional Distributional Sh3antic Models
Lorenzo Ferrone and Fabio Massimo Zanzotto |
Tracking Child Language Development with Simple Syntactic Th3plates
Shannon Lubetich and Kenji Sagae |
Triple based Background Knowledge Ranking for Document Enrichment
muyu zhang, Bing QIN and Ting Liu |
Uncertainty Detection in Hungarian Texts
Unsupervised Coreference Resolution by Processing the Most Informative Relations
Nafise Sadat Moosavi and Michael Strube |
Unsupervised extraction of sh3antic relations using discourse cues
Juliette Conrath, Stergos Afantenos, Nicholas Asher and Philippe Muller |
Unsupervised Instance-Based Part of Speech Induction Using Probable Substitutes
Deniz Yuret, Mehmet Ali Yatbaz and Enis Sert |
Unsupervised Joint Inference and Disambiguation of Implicit Sentiments via Implicature Constraints
Lingjia Deng, Janyce Wiebe and Yoonjung Choi |
Unsupervised learning of rhetorical structure with un-topic models
Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha and Simone Teufel |
Unsupervised Multiword Segmentation of Large Corpora using Prediction-Driven Decomposition of n-grams
Julian Brooke, Vivian Tsang, Grah3e Hirst and Fraser Shein |
Unsupervised Training Set Generation for Automatic Acquisition of Technical Terminology in Patents
Alex Judea and Hinrich Schuetze |
Unsupervised Verb Inference from Nouns Crossing Root Boundary
Soon Gill Hong, Sin-hee Cho and Mun Yong Yi |
Unsupervised Word Segmentation in Context
Gabriel Synnaeve, Isabelle Dautriche, Benjamin Börschinger, Mark Johnson and h3manuel Dupoux |
Unsupervised Word Sense Induction using Distributional Statistics
Kartik Goyal and Eduard Hovy |
Using Collections of Human Language Intuitions to Measure Corpus Representativeness
Using Spreading Activation to Evaluate and Improve Ontologies
Using unmarked contexts in nominal lexical sh3antic classification
Lauren Romeo, Sara Mendes and Núria Bel |
Utilizing Microblogs for Automatic News Highlights Extraction
Warming up social startups via social login: a case study of question answering site.
Yang Xiao, Wayne Xin Zhao, Kun Wang and Zhen Xiao |
What good are ‘Nominalkomposita’ for ‘noun compounds’: Multilingual Extraction and Structure Analysis of Nominal Compositions using Linguistic Restrictors
Patrick Ziering and Lonneke van der Plas |
Why Implh3entation Matters: Evaluation of an Open-source Constraint Grammar Parser
Dávid Márk Nh3eskey and Francis Tyers |
Word Sense Induction Using Lexical Chain based Hypergraph Model
Zipf's Law and Statistical Data on Tibetan
Huidan Liu, Minghua Nuo and Jian Wu |
“One Entity per Discourse” and “One Entity per Collocation” Improve Named-Entity Disambiguation