The worst part about the Tumblr shoplifting community is that they try to hide behind a legitimate disorder...









And it’s a disorder that zero of them have. Hear that, Tumblr Shoplifting Community? Zero of you have Kleptomania. This sort of thing is nothing new — people have been trying to pretend they have Kleptomania in order to justify stealing for as long as the idea of…

Alright junior, strap on your helmet. First of all, very few if any of the actual ‘members’ of the shoplifting community believe that they have kleptomania. Seriously. A few members have it in their names or did have it in their names and have removed it because, news flash, we don’t think we have kleptomania. There are a few people who have come to us in particular, asking about kleptomania and sharing their own stories and struggles with us. That doesn’t mean we are diagnosing anyone, especially ourselves, with kleptomania. It’s a serious issue that needs counseling, shoplifting is not. Whether we’re stealing food we need to eat or clothes we need to sell to make money for our rent, or makeup because it’s just so damn pretty, we know what we’re doing. We aren’t trying to fight capitalism, we aren’t claiming to be kleptomaniacs, and in fact most of the older members aren’t posting or even talking about what we steal anymore. Now, let me repeat that again because for some reason people don’t seem to understand. We aren’t trying to fight capitalism, we aren’t claiming to be kleptomaniacs, and in fact most of the older members aren’t posting or even talking about what we steal anymore. Now, in your defense, there are some urls like ‘kleptokitten’ but there are also urls like ‘depressedandwelldressed’ and neither of those are claiming to have either disorder. They’re a poor choice of words but I have not yet seen a url saying ‘HEY! LOOK AT ME! I HAVE KLEPTOMANIA LOOK AT ALL THIS SHIT I STOLE!’ Now some of us, including me, do link our disorders loosely to our shoplifting but in no way is that claiming to have kleptomania.

So please, to you and every single other person making up shit about us, get your damn facts straight. 

I’m struggling to understand how this justifies shoplifting.

probably because I was not trying to justify shoplifting? I never have, I know its a crime. All im saying here is that we aren’t pretending to have kleptomania and we arent trying to destroy capitalism which is what multiple people are saying about us

I think people are trying too hard to think we justify what we’re doing when we all know and openly share that yes it’s illegal and wrong or whatever, but that’s completely irrelevant considering we’ve already picked our side and we don’t care

I hate to break this to you, but the law is hardly “irrelevant”, whether you care about it or not. It’s relevance will be made painfully clear if you are caught stealing. 

Perhaps people are “trying too hard” to think of a justification because most people have a motive behind their actions, and have some form of justification for them. “Not caring” isn’t an excuse many people use when doing something, even the worst of criminals ordinarily has some reason that they are committing the crime.

Saying “I know but I don’t care” doesn’t exempt you from your actions. I hope to Christ this is some idiotic phase and you all get over it soon, because if not then you are setting yourself up for a pretty shitty future.

Lmfao you did it again. I’m not trying to “exempt myself from my actions”, I’m owning up to them. Because I don’t care.

I didn’t say the law was irrelevant. I said other people’s confusion on the subject was irrelevant.

To be completely honest I’ve been trying to give you the benefit of the doubt by trying to figure out if there was at the very least a reason you were stealing (not that it would justify it, but it would have been good to know regardless). 

But you’re just a fucking idiot. I won’t wish you ill, but I certainly hope you and everyone one else shoplifting gets caught and serves time.

Look at my hauls and you’ll know why I’m stealing. Take half a minute out of your day to look at the baby food and produce I steal and tell me you can’t come up with one reason I steal. I didn’t say I steal because I don’t care, I said I’m open about it because I don’t care. Now, if you’re going to get my sentences twisted one more time and then refer to ME as the idiot, I’m going to strongly suggest you stick your thumb up your butt. Also don’t pretend you gave anyone here the benefit of the doubt, because if you had you wouldn’t be running around patronizing us for it.

Posted 45 minutes ago with 157 notes
  1. cant-say-cunt reblogged this from linalifter and added:
    I literally love you, k.
  2. charizardfreak reblogged this from colorsofsocialjustice
  3. ryaryan reblogged this from ughsocialjustice
  4. endgaem reblogged this from hicky-from-kenickie and added:
    Again, wrong, it depends on where you live. //
  5. abbysucks reblogged this from hicky-from-kenickie and added:
    are you kidding me like actually kidding if any of you actually “didnt care” then why dont you just up and fucking admit...
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  9. sabrielhasablog reblogged this from abbysucks and added:
    I honestly smell a personality disorder here.
  10. rocmegamanx reblogged this from endgaem and added:
    Where is there a “shoplifting community” in the first place?!
  11. shslactualjustice reblogged this from ughsocialjustice
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  14. eternalhg reblogged this from disneyvillainsforjustice
  15. hicky-from-kenickie reblogged this from endgaem and added:
    I’m not apart of this community, but everything that’s being said is such bullshit that I have to say something: 1....
  16. idetesteverything reblogged this from endgaem
  17. lesbolifter reblogged this from endgaem and added:
    Look at my hauls and you’ll know why I’m stealing. Take half a minute out of your day to look at the baby food and...
  18. jezabelwillovertake reblogged this from endgaem
  19. lilyrosethedreamer reblogged this from colorsofsocialjustice and added:
    They all need to be thrown in the Army. Wouldn’t be so cute then, when you’re trying to do a press-up and some...
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  22. linalifter reblogged this from endgaem and added:
    Ive already stated a few reasons above. Personally I do it in part because I cant afford food, new clothes, and makeup....
  23. ouiouiweapon reblogged this from ughsocialjustice and added:
    My dad had a kid when he taught 2nd graders that was a kleptomaniac. Half the time the kid wouldn’t even realize he...
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