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straight person voice: um sweetie sweetheart don’t be ungrateful, Macklemore ENDED homophobia he’s a hero to the LGBTAllies community sweety :)



heterophobia doesn’t exist

reverse racism doesn’t exist



sTTOP heterophobia….it is real and importinant!! much more important than something like homophobia… besides….you can be homophobic and NOT an asshole!!!


what the fuck is “heterosexual lifestyle, tradition, and culture?” macklemore??? everybody loves raymond???? burning the rest of us at the stake????


what is truscum???? i honestly dont know and wanna be educated

copied from my faq:

truscum are a group of primarily white trans men who think they have authority over who gets to identify as trans. they think you have to hate your body to be trans or youre a “”“transtrender”“”. theyre v cissexist, transmisogynistic, & ableist.




it is completely ok to hate your oppressors

you dont owe them any respect

you dont owe them any kindness

you dont owe them an explanation 

instead of whining about imaginary “reverse oppression” hb stop shaming marginalised groups for hating the people who hated us first & want us dead

If they truly are your “oppressors” then they will literally have no bad feelings about “oppressing” you more because they see how badly you’re treating them.

I really want to oppress truscumdestroyer. Can somebody help me oppress truscumdestroyer?

if youre cishet, you already do oppress me & people like me


i was wondering why you chose the pronouns that you did. it can seem like you only do it because you like deer? which in my opinion is a slight misuse of pronouns. but if that's not your reason i'm sorry for assuming i was just curious as to why y'know

i have a connection with deer


you're bloody "that's ableism" retorts are so pathetic

then dont be ableist


But I actually missed some stuff, why do you have a prejudice against straight people? Isn't that kind of hypocritical since you hate people queer phobic people?

bc of the all the things they do to queer people


you wouldn't be on this planet if it wasn't for straight people, and neither would a lot of trans people. You're such a fuckwit.

hey everyone look at these adorable baby animals