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[–]deeprsmarty shibe 66 ポイント67 ポイント

hate to be the devil shibe but one of the comments said

Richmond Regional Ride Center will change the lives of people with physical challenges in our area with the inclusion of the hand cycle trail and training center! We have been working hard to give our disabled veterans the outdoor riding experience and be on the trails with other cyclists! What a great addition to our area!

Hate to take this one opportunity away from them

[–]DOPE_AS_FUCK_COOK 16 ポイント17 ポイント

Yeah im commenting from a post in /r/virginia they have been all over this from the start, it would be much appreciated if the dogecoin community didnt take this away from them. We were up until now, losing by 500 votes.

[–]see__no__evil 41 ポイント42 ポイント

Yeah guys, vote for Richmond, seriously! The RVA community that knows about this Dogecoin push for the NY trail are really disappointed. Why not ask the Richmond trail people if they will include Doge in the trail? We're talking $100,000 for a 2 mile downhill in NY vs 20 miles + ride center + disabled trails in Richmond.


[–]o2fill 12 ポイント13 ポイント

I'm involved in the Richmond Trails and to be honest don't understand the Dogecoin link - can someone explain?

[–]VarsityPhysicist 9 ポイント10 ポイント

Hey, please don't get any 3rd parties involved by offering advertising, that is probably vote manipulation which goes against the contest rules

[–]o2fill 8 ポイント9 ポイント

Is that what this is? A trade of advertising for votes?

[–]VarsityPhysicist 12 ポイント13 ポイント

From OP on the NY trail

The sponsors of this trail, and the organization who applied for this grant are WNYMBA (Western New York Mountain Biking Association). I have spoken with them and they have agreed to the terms: if you vote and push us to first place, they will name the trail "The Dogecoin Downhill Trail." And trail markers will be none other than the head of the doge.

and here TJ from their promotions and marketing offers dogecoin name+ logo on maps.

So yeah, votes for advertising. Not a good idea (in terms of getting kicked out for cheating) when Bell is putting up 33k for the winner

Edit: missed youtube link, formatting

[–]see__no__evil 6 ポイント7 ポイント

Awesome that you're involved in the project and seeing these threads! Maybe you can help garnish interest from the Dogecoin community. Basically the NY trail project has agreed to make some Dogecoin-themed updates on their trail, and after that, a ton of votes came in from /r/dogecoin for the NY trail.

[–]tommytweeter 15 ポイント16 ポイント

Dang, that seems like they're just using Doge/shibes to win. I'm all for bringing awareness to doge, but I don't think a 2 mile mountain bike trail would do it.

I live in RVA. There are a TON of mountain bikers and there aren't enough trails. this would refurbish and add A TON of trails. 20 refurbished miles. 30 new miles. The trail in NY is like 2 miles? It just doesn't seem worth it.

[–]ltdubleu 22 ポイント23 ポイント

Yes, please consider RVA! I'm a member of the community and we've been working very hard at this. We are relatively lacking in access and infrastructure compared to the WNY area and this grant would be HUGE to our town. All the finalists were handpicked by Bell, and I'm sure they're all deserving so I'll be happy no matter the outcome. I'm all for spreading the dogecoin word, but I truly think the RVA community is most deserving of the $ (though I know I'm biased...). May the best trail win!

[–]RVARideCenter 18 ポイント19 ポイント

Several years ago a member of our community suffered a mountain bike injury that left him unable to ride a two wheeled bike. Wanting to get back out and ride he came up with the idea to build hand cycle trails at Pocahontas Park. These trails are for everyone in a urban center that gives access to the community to enjoy mountain biking and our beautiful park. I am sure that more trails at a Ski Area are going to fun for the advanced riders that trek on up the that ski area. Richmond Ride Center trails are about access for all riders - including disabled riders. Please vote for Richmond Ride Center.

[–]frigidformself 0 ポイント1 ポイント

I voted and I live in RVA! I hope we get it!

[–]lacey_things 5 ポイント6 ポイント

Thank you so much for bringing this up! There is a very strong bike community in RVA, but we're severely underfunded and there's no way that we could ever make something like this happen on our own. As a Richmond teenager: pleasepleaseplease help!

[–]Neologizer 3 ポイント4 ポイント

Richmond has been working tirelessly for this and really lacks the infrastructure that the New York trails already have. Please don't steal it away from a deserving city in the name of a meme. This contest should be about bike trails, not third-party promotion. That is all.

[–]keywordtipbotdino shibe 5 ポイント6 ポイント

Congratulations! You got the word of the hour! +/u/dogetipbot 9.8 doge verify.
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Sorry for the recent issues! I think they are fixed now
Suggestions? Problems? Post to /r/keywordtipbot
And no, I will not tell you the word, even if you try to guess it.

[–]dogetipbotracing shibe 3 ポイント4 ポイント

[wow so verify]: /u/keywordtipbot -> /u/deepr Ð9.8 Dogecoins ($0.00443628) [help]