I’ve never been comfortable with the idea of posting pictures of self harm. But I think it’s really important to share pictures of after care.
Your body is an amazing thing and has crazy super powers to protect you. But the primary methods of self injury (cutting, burning) removes your body of one of its important defenses: your skin.
If you injure yourself, whether intentionally or accidentally, please please take care of your wounds. You don’t have to go to a doctor - I know how embarrassing that can be - but do your research online, have band-aids, antibiotic cream, anything you need in stock if you regularly self harm. The risk of infection when your skin is open due to a cut or your skin is damaged due to a burn is high and after care is the only thing that can prevent this.
I also find it’s very mentally helpful, if you do injure yourself because of mental illness, like I do. It can be hard because self injury is a destructive thing for some people. Maybe it’s not, maybe it’s just an urge or just a release for you. But by cleaning, disinfecting, and bandaging your wounds, you remind yourself that you do care about yourself.
So please, care for yourself. Even if it’s your secret, and no one else knows - please, please take care of your wounds.