Anonymous asked:

also apparently you're a pedo symphathizer so you're much much lower than any of the people you make fun of lol

lol okay Your are so fucking wrong and you know based on one post ok tard

Anonymous asked:

what if important, talented people, gave up on things they were passionate about because they are afraid of going against societys norms? dont we need someone to stand up and question what the crowd wont?

Like Alan Turing? Yeah I agree but we also don’t need people saying we must abolish het white people

Anonymous asked:

Better? Like that fairly odd parents episode where everyone is the same grey color living the same grey life? The world would be bland and awful if made no social progress, or only "accepted" social progress. Being different is what makes the future happen

I am divided on this issue. 

Anonymous asked:

Do you not support individuality and supporting the way someone identifies themselves? Because they won't fit in? Because they aren't the problem, the problem is society's judgmental ways, and we can't tell people to make themselves fit in because that encourages judgmental behavior rather than creating a more open minded and accepting society.

I support individuality 100% and however they identify . I do not like or agree with identity politics. Society is the problem and it is on a constant downwards slope. 

Anonymous asked:

just so you know not all gays "wear dresses". While most transgender and some gays do cross dress this isnt a defining fact of the gay pop. In the end its just a sexual preference and you dont have to look/act a certain way. That being said there should always be an encouragment to be different. How would life be if we always stuck to the same social norms that have been forced into peoples minds for years for no meaningful reasons?

Life would be better. 

Anonymous asked:

do you consider yourself a homophobe? If so I really want to hear your argument for this because Ive never met one of you irl. What defense do you have to want to prevent the hapiness of others? Why is your way of thinking better/ more correct than others? After finding out a good friend was gay would you still be friends with them? you dont have to agree with homosexuality but to hate on people for making themselves happy is fucked up man.

No I don’t consider myself a homophobe.

Anonymous asked:

I agree children should never question or discover anything involving an adult relationship. But I do believe we need to have acceptance of homosexuality especially in teens because pressures from a hateful society can cause depression and confusion. Gay teen sucide IS a big issue. If we were all more open accepting about this it wouldnt be a problem.

I agree with this post 100% but it doesn’t help bullied kids to be told it is okay to go to school in a dress or something that will encourage them not to fit in.. Encourgaing socially isolated kids to be even more different will just isolate them further I think.