





California cops are pulling people over for.the.best.reason.EVER. See all the surprised reactions here.

have u ever considered that maybe there’s a reason that no one likes being pulled over by the cops that can’t be remedied by a couple white people getting free ice cream

try this with a black person and see if you get the same result

This is some white nonsense. You know damn well they would not to do this to some black or latino drivers.

When is my black ass gonna get pulled over for some free ice cream??

Oh congratulations for pulling over white ppl in white neighborhoods and giving them ice cream on top of their privilege woopty fucking doo

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    The last three ^^^^^
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  25. recklessantics reblogged this from krystal3d and added:
    "White people" get pulled over all the time saysthe white person who’s been pulled over 3 times in a month for a light...