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Fuck Authority

Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi
May 17 '14





trying to explain to my housemates that reverse racism and sexism towards men is not real is like head butting a wall repeatedly. 

Must suck living with intelligent people.

Sounds like it’s a first, too. That’s sweet. Our little girl’s growing up…


  1. pennywisedemise reblogged this from wtfisthinprivilege
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  5. slagarthefox reblogged this from dumblr-feminist and added:
    I love when SJWs are the ones being morons and don’t even realize. I feel sorry for the people that have to hear OP...
  6. vampiraptor reblogged this from dumblr-feminist
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  8. romantically-awesome reblogged this from wtfisthinprivilege and added:
    Lost faith in humanity
  9. dumblr-feminist reblogged this from wtfisthinprivilege and added:
    I think in this situation OP is more like the wall and she’s also a butthead Ha ha puns
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  17. feminismisahatemovement reblogged this from 23claw and added:
    Sounds like it’s a first, too. That’s sweet. Our little girl’s growing up…
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