Q:Are you ever going to apologise for saying that lith identities sounded "rapey" to you? While you may not have (and still may not) understand them, that doesn't give you any right to dismiss a legitimate romantic and sexual orientation as being similar to fucking sexual harassment. It's disgusting to me quite frank.
You are only attracted to people who don’t return your feelings and you don’t see how that’s not problematic?
I also doubt i used the word “rapey” but if I did it was a long time ago and I don’t agree with my use of that word because I think that word is problematic.
But you know fucking what, here i am having a mental break down on my fucking blog and no one gives a shit and i get this bs in my ask box and people asking me to define their fucking identities and solve their problems. I am so sick of this fucking site.
reason why i don’t follow any of the ~popular~ feminist bloggers.
#aro hate #ace hate
how is it aro or ace hate? I know ace people who have issues with the lith identities too
there are issues with consent that you should admit need to be addressed
but you know being sexually attracted only to people who don’t return sexual feelings and entering into romantic relationships with people who may or may not know what you are getting out of the relationship is totally not problematic at all
lithsexuality and lithromanticism are on the aro/ace spectrums…that is why i tagged them as such.
i have no right to judge or call these identities problematic as i am neither lithsexual nor lithromantic. this is a discussion that lithsexual and lithromantic ppl should discuss.
and again the cult like sj rules that kill critical thought
i am starting to want to thoroughly reject that label entirely because it’s just not healthy
there are so many problems with the sj community
Source: theroguefeminist
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theroguefeminist reblogged this from transglitch and added:
Thank you for this input! I think this conversation can benefit all people, lith or no, into a better understanding and...
transglitch reblogged this from plantextract and added:
I identify as lithro myself (though I see it as more of a label than an orientation, if that makes sense? my personal...
plantextract reblogged this from cisphobeofficial and added:
Yes, thank you, this is correct information.
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cisphobeofficial reblogged this from raytoroslovehandles and added:
you’re welcome. op is seriously misinformed about lith identities and determined not to actually listen to us, so i can...
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lmao i don’t even consider myself apart of the sj community anymore b/c of its gross ableism. i literally don’t think...
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See I didn’t know know this and the way the OP was describing it seemed creepy and just about having power over another...
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Tumblr is fuckin wild.
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