soft autism

Anonymous asked:
"i have a question. i am currently on my path to self dxing myself but i am very verbal. my communication skills nd my ability to pick up social cues and things are not something i struggle with. however, i have basically every other "symptom" of high-functioning autism. is that a deal breaker, or not? btw i love this blog"

Okay, for future reference please don’t use functioning labels such as “high functioning” because they only serve to ensure that autistic people are either not taken seriously or do not get the aid we may need by measuring our ability to “function” mostly by our ability to appear allistic. Not to mention that this idea of a functioning level is really flawed because it can change. I really suggest you check out neurowonderful's Ask an Autistic series on youtube as they've put a lot of things into words really well that might be helpful to you. 

I can’t really tell you whether or not you’re autistic. I can tell you that for a number of years I wasn’t nearly as bad with social situations as I am now until I started to experience autistic burnout. I know a number of autistic people who are actually fairly good at social situations for a number of reasons. I think if you do further research, and look into how that research applies to you, you may find your answer.

-mod rosie

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