
if you call yourself fiscally conservative and socially liberal what you’re essentially saying is that you like equality in concept but you openly embrace systems that hinder or negate equality because you’re a greedy little shit and you fell for the capitalist propaganda mantra of “anyone can be rich! you can be rich!” hook line and sinker. You are an ideological vacuum, an abyss of cognitive dissonance and only a basic grasp of empathy. We would do better without you.

this is a good post but the “empathy” bit is ableist bc there are disabled ppl who can’t feel empathy and that’s ok. you don’t need empathy to be a good person.

residenttwink, 50s-dad (1025 ♥, 09/05)
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hey i'm gracen,
cute but fierce autistic agender aroace;
they/them or rei/reis/reisself pronouns