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[–]Pocahontas_Spaceman 14 ポイント15 ポイント

Yes, partisan Dems only rally around Obama because he's black!

Way to expose yourself, once again, as being a bunch of racist, race-baiting fucking tools, rcon

[–]CptQuestionMark -8 ポイント-7 ポイント

You've missed the point.
• The point is that Obama escapes punishment and exposure due to his race, and his opponents are vilified as racist.

[–]Pocahontas_Spaceman 14 ポイント15 ポイント

The point is that Obama escapes punishment and exposure due to his race, and his opponents are vilified as racist.

I know that's the intended point. it's just that it's moronically inaccurate stramannery.

TONS of people are critical of Obama, from the left, middle and right without being racist morons about it. Not all his opponents are vilified as racist. you sound like your entire experience of the world is from hanging out r/politics. Has anyone called Assange a racist? How about Greenwald?

Nope. You know who gets called a racist? Racists. Own it.