I think most of what makes me uncomfortable on Tumblr boils down to folks saying or implying I think I’m pretty accepting, but we all have to draw the line at [otherkin/transabled people/demisexual people/&c.]. And I find myself thinking, Do we really?
- i-was-a-teenage-potato reblogged this from lunasspecto and added:
Yes it is important to accept people. However, as human beings were allowed to have opinions.
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- eveamedeus reblogged this from demisexuality and added:
I feel like normally I would agree with the original poster (that we have to draw the line somewhere), but when you put...
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- goat--milk reblogged this from lunasspecto and added:
Good point. It’s just…We like to have things ordered, to have things make sense.
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- demisexuality reblogged this from lunasspecto and added:
I just made a similar post last night.
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