How cishets get away from harassment/bullying:




How queer people get away from harassment/bullying:

They don’t.

  1. callofthemuse reblogged this from seanopedia
  2. awkwardnoob reblogged this from heterofficial and added:
    No no no no no! Besides the fact that cishet is a combination of cisgendered and heterosexual, TWO DIFFERENT THINGS THAT...
  3. helloihavenolifelove reblogged this from seanopedia
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  5. counterculture-queen reblogged this from dylrae
  6. valendoom reblogged this from playtheantagonist
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  13. brel00ms reblogged this from heterofficial
  14. klokateercatlady reblogged this from social-justice-warrior and added:
    I still stand by my point but I really shouldn’t have been such a dick to ya. sorry again XD
  15. social-justice-warrior reblogged this from klokateercatlady and added:
    Nooo OP’s not me xD Hey, it’s fine. I misunderstand stuff, too. It sucks when it’s for a test 9o9 it’s fine, really c:
  16. gingeramigo reblogged this from heterofficial
  17. coconuttygrey reblogged this from nonbinarygingerqueer
  18. chiminix reblogged this from heterofficial and added:
    The term “cis” is stupid anyway.
  19. boldandsass reblogged this from klokateercatlady
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