oooooooooooooh i wish you would put a gun to your head and pull the trigger but thats wishful thinking. scum scummy scum scum

^This is what you get when you’re a women with opinions on the internet.

Posting this just in case any MRAs who care so deeply about men’s reputation being slandered wanna come collect this human shitdumpster.

Hahahahaaaa just kidding.  No guy who says “Not all men! Don’t generalize us!” would ever actually call out another man for simply TELLING WOMEN ON THE INTERNET TO KILL THEMSELVES.  I mean, who am I kidding, that energy would be better spent yelling at feminists not to be so mean to men.

  1. candysphynxprincess reblogged this from misandry-mermaid and added:
    piece of shit asshole i can’t believe it
  2. death-is-a-disease reblogged this from misandry-mermaid
  3. lunasanguine said: WHAT THE FUCK
  4. beautyandthepriest reblogged this from misandry-mermaid
  5. kymbakhan reblogged this from misandry-mermaid
  6. perpetuallyintransit reblogged this from misandry-mermaid
  7. darksoulsrus reblogged this from misandry-mermaid
  8. biisexybabe reblogged this from misandry-mermaid
  9. major-hewlett said: report the shit out of him
  10. sombrereria said: What a piece of shit.
  11. warblebee reblogged this from misandry-mermaid
  12. ilydowa reblogged this from misandry-mermaid
  13. inkwellinkingwell said: Anyone who threatens people over the internet is a coward and just makes their own stupidity and insecurity apparent.
  14. fiberandfumes said: this guy needs to be reported ASAP
  15. eternaldevil90 reblogged this from misandry-mermaid
  16. brokendaydream said: This is so fucked up
  17. heliosapollo said: *says scummy thing while calling you scum* WOW, SUCH NICE MAN