


Waa muh rape culture muh old white man patriarchy muh victim blaming waa feminism pls help me waa no one believes rape victims waa how dare you question a women if she was raped waa

>be 30
>married to another teacher at the school
>have son
>hit on student
>get rejected
>keep at it
>corner him one day and suck his dick
>have men and women defend you online


Look at all the women victim blaming! That is freaking hilarious! Fucking rape apologists!!

I’m sorry people, but men and women are different. They react to “forced” sex in different ways. This is in no way a comparable act to, say, forced vaginal penetration. This may or may not have been an unpleasant experience for the kid (that he had to stand there and take it to completion may or may not indicate enjoyment of it - some female rape victims simply stop resisting at a certain point), but the degree of unpleasantness is in all likelihood not going to be the life-shattering trauma that rape of women can be.

Women have learned over evolutionary time to fear rape because of its costly consequences. Rape of males by females carries no such potentially heavy penalties, so there is no reason to suspect the trauma response would be as strong. Plus, there is no humiliation aspect present here, the way there is with male-on-male rape, so hence, again, no reason to suspect a strong trauma response would occur.

I could be wrong, and this guy could be a statistical outlier who is severely traumatized by receiving oral sex from a beautiful woman, but simply assuming he is on the basis of the limited information in this article betrays an ideological agenda. This blunt equation of male and female psychologies and physiologies is anti-intellectual and completely thoughtless whether it is done by “feminists,” “mra’s,” or “egalitarians.” Different groups of humans differ in predictable ways.

Precisely. There is there is rape-rape (i.e., actual rape), there is “rape” (i.e., drunk sex + regret / shame / boyfriend), and there is … nice (i.e., high school dudes getting blown by hot teachers). Two of these things are not like the other.

100% serious about this. Complaints of a double standard in the punishment of “rape” by high school female teachers are worth pondering, but only really go to the tongue-in-cheek, disingenuous nature of calling such interactions rapes. While we can sometimes buy it for high school girls—if the teacher is sufficiently creepy, for example—men and women alike just have a hard time suppressing their natural reactions to naming as “rape” high school boys getting blown and railing their teachers. We laugh because it’s laughable. Sure, punish female teachers the same was we punish male teachers for the purposes of giving the appearance of propriety and/or formally respecting the Due Process clause, but let’s not pretend that any of this shit is serious business. Outrage reads like sour grapes.

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    Anyone who defends this woman can go to Hell. You make me physically sick.
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    Everyone is also ignoring the fact that the people blaming the victim didn’t take into account that the boy could have...
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    I don’t get why people get so entrenched in Oppression Olympics Games when it comes to sexual assault. I don’t...
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    And there it fucking is again: the assumption that if a woman is ~beautiful~, any sexual attention she pays to a man is...
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    Everything up to and including the “attorneys” comment is fucking gross
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    Those comments alone prove that he struggled with telling someone "Yeah ok he was lucky" Yeah, cause ya’ll out here...
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