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[–]RobbyRillo -32 ポイント-31 ポイント

This is RACIST. I am offended.

[–]Spartan2470 8 ポイント9 ポイント

SubversiveMustache commented about this earlier. He said:

For posters calling this blackface:

Blackface and black face paint are two very different things. One is an attempt to mimic racial physical attributes and stereotypes. Unless this is a representation or exaggeration of an actual racial group, this is not blackface, just face paint that happens to be black.

Unless of course this is a play on the stereotype of the obsidian-skinned, gold-lipped inhabitants of the planet Jetebonium IV. If so, carry on.

[–]OfficialGarwood 3 ポイント4 ポイント

Jetebonium IV sends their regards.

[–]Perfected 4 ポイント5 ポイント

Please tell me how this is racist? It's simply a woman with black and gold face paint on, it's artwork.

[–]madethisaccountjustn [score hidden]

well, if your whole idea is 'black skin with gold paint' and the first thought that comes to mind is 'i'm gonna need a lot of black paint..' you're probably a racist. honestly, a huge group of people is born with dark brown to black skin. you couldn't have found one that would fit your artistic desires?

plus there's a little hint of white people getting to try on black as an accessory in there, too.

[–]Perfected [score hidden]

what the fuck are you talking about.

[–]madethisaccountjustn [score hidden]

well, if your whole idea is 'black skin with gold paint' and the first thought that comes to mind is 'i'm gonna need a lot of black paint..' you're probably a racist. honestly, a huge group of people is born with dark brown to black skin. you couldn't have found one that would fit your artistic desires?

plus there's a little hint of white people getting to try on black as an accessory in there, too.

[–]Perfected [score hidden]

question. is a black woman with white face paint racist too?

[–]madethisaccountjustn [score hidden]

depends. is the artistic effect to depict a white person? then maybe. there's also a problem that (institutional) racism is impossible to leverage against white people since there's no system of black power.