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[–]LittleMissP 1 ポイント2 ポイント

with 2x being a default subreddit the mods suddenly find themselves with a lot of influence.

Really? I don't see anywhere I've gained more influence, I've gained a significantly busier modqueue, but that's about all.

EDIT - I remembered something else I gained, every time I mention that I mod here I get around 30-40 downvotes. That's nice.

[–]DirtySlates [score hidden]

Dear LittleMissP,

I understand. This is a huge change. You guys are learning how to deal with new things and have a ton of new work. I'm not worried that it hasn't stayed exactly the same in the first week of a huge change. I know that even with plans there's no way of knowing how you'll tackle all the issues that come up and I know that the mod team is going to do their best to handle it but also that you're volunteers with home lives and other things to do as well.

Big internet hugs!

[–]Pculic [score hidden]

You are doing the same than the other mod that replied to me, framing it in the short-term to make it look like it's all cons. But give it 6 months and 2x will be most important place for women on the internet, give it 2 years and it will be mentioned on TV regularly, give it 5 years and some of its threads will be at the center of national debates. Being a mod of this sub may carry serious street cred in a few years, you may think I'm being ridiculous, but I'm not, Reddit is that big and it will only get bigger as young people occupy positions of responsibility.

It would deeply shock me if you decided to revert to non-default, it's just not human nature.

[–]LittleMissP [score hidden]

Give it 6 months and I doubt anyone will remember a time that 2x wasn't a default.

Being a mod of this sub may carry serious street cred in a few years, you may think I'm being ridiculous, but I'm not

Seeing as the only person who knows I mod this sub is my SO, I doubt I'm about to get job offers or cash thrown at me.

give it 5 years and some of its threads will be at the center of national debates.

Which is a benefit for our users, not for the mods.

[–]Pculic [score hidden]

Which is a benefit for our users, not for the mods.

And yet somehow I get the feeling that a poll among previous users of any defaulted subreddit will invariably have a lesser percentage of users voting "yes" than a poll among the moderators of the same subreddits.

Hate to pull an argumentum ad upvotum, but I think it's appropriate here: the upvotes being thrown at me even after declaring myself as a male and the (unfair) downvotes that you noted you are sometimes getting when you declare yourself as a mod kind of prove this point that there is a divide among users and mods regarding this issue.

I'm coming across as a dick and I feel bad about it, because I'm happily judging people that I don't know. It's just as a cynic I couldn't resist making that observation, but I don't claim to know if the pros out-weight the cons. I just maintain that there's always gonna be that mechanic at play among mods that doesn't exactly alienate with the users' expectations, and things like this are easy to rationalize.